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Word lists and ranking

雅各   February 25th, 2010 4:36p.m.

To make the word lists page easier to use I suggest ordering them by rank so it is easier to find the more useful (ie most popular) word lists.

scott   February 26th, 2010 9:26a.m.

Gradually moving to the top of my list is the creation of a tagging system, which will help organize things.

I'll also be making a ranking system for people's stats, so people can compare how many words and characters they've learned. This ranking system could also be used for lists, so I'll see about hooking that up. Thanks for the idea!

Another idea that's kind of pie in the sky would be a sort of wiki for Chinese and Japanese learning with links to the various lists here, so people can organize various lists and other learning resources however they like. This would take a lot of effort on the part of the users to work, though.

These are the ideas we have for improving the current list system, which admittedly isn't particularly good for searching through. But it's on the list to work on!

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