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Turn off hints completely, and totally wrong stroke recognition

jimryb   March 1st, 2010 11:22p.m.

Could you guys add an option to completely disable the hints (or stroke order suggestions or whatever they're called)? I often have no problem writing characters in Skritter but then when I try to write them on paper, I can't figure it out at all. I suspect that being fed the answers because of my poor stroke order is the main reason why.

My other problem is that sometimes I'll make a tiny stroke in one corner, and then Skritter misinterprets that to mean a much larger and different-shaped stroke in a completely different part of the character, despite there being many other strokes still near where I actually wrote. This has been happening a lot recently, I'm not sure why.

For example, I'll try to write this: http://imgur.com/sqvXR.jpg

But it comes out like this: http://imgur.com/LyoVv.jpg

nick   March 1st, 2010 11:53p.m.

You're in luck! You can turn stroke order sensitivity to max and this won't happen any more--it'll only accept the next stroke that's supposed to happen. It's in the practice page settings.

Hope this helps!

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