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list editor traditional variants

jww1066   February 27th, 2010 11:55a.m.

I'm working on another list, this one grabbed from http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Mandarin_idiomsand wonder how I can avoid the "traditional" drop-down for those phrases that have more than one traditional possibility. The list is quite long (959 phrases) and many of them are coming across with more than one traditional variant, so doing this manually would take me quite a while.

However, the data I am starting from already has the simplified and traditional variants, so I can easily add both when I create the Skritter list. How should I format this, though? Normally I do

SIMPLIFIED PINYIN "definition; another definition"

Is there a way to also add the traditional version at the same time?


gacorley   February 27th, 2010 12:06p.m.

Man, they just need to hire you and let you use the internal tools.

jww1066   February 27th, 2010 12:10p.m.

I would be happy just to have access. They could pay me with free practice time if they liked my work.


nick   February 27th, 2010 12:26p.m.

Maybe we can instrument things and have one of the next challenges be a list creator challenge.

Format it like this, with tabs:
简体字 繁体字 pin1yin1 definitions; other definitions
Or use pipes instead of tabs:
简体字|繁体字|pin1yin1|definitions; other definitions

jww1066   February 27th, 2010 12:40p.m.

Hmmm, that doesn't seem to work for me (at least in Chrome). When I put

登泰山而小天下 登泰山而小天下 deng1tai4shan1er2xiao3tian1xia4 able to see far and wide

(note that that IS a tab before "able"), it doesn't grab the definition.

When I put

登泰山而小天下|登泰山而小天下|eng1tai4shan1er2xiao3tian1xia4|able to see far and wide

I get

"登泰山而小天下|登泰山而小天下|eng1tai4shan1er2xiao3tian1xia4|able" is not a valid Chinese word!


Christian   February 27th, 2010 12:50p.m.

Actually, I sometimes wonder the same thing, too – just because often I don't know which one would be the correct variant, and I only have the choice of a) not studying those words, or b) probably making the wrong choice. There really should be c) I don't know.

戴莉絲婷   February 27th, 2010 9:14p.m.

Or d)Ask for help from the Skritter team! :) Perhaps a link from that page for help would be good.

nick   March 1st, 2010 10:16a.m.

After some experimentation, I've found the bug. Once I upload this, it will work better.

Christian, if you don't know which traditional variant it is, just guess. Editors will come along to correct it eventually, and it's more efficient that way than asking for each word. Usually the first choice is the right one, unless the first one is a radical and the same as the simplified.

jww1066   March 1st, 2010 10:23a.m.

Great! That will make future list projects much more efficient.

By the way, the idioms list I uploaded does not use tone sandhi throughout. I can supply you with a list of phrases with corrected tone sandhi if you like.


nick   March 1st, 2010 11:20a.m.

Fixed 'em.

jww1066   March 1st, 2010 12:16p.m.

@nick Thanks! You guys should get some kind of "amazing customer service" award.

nick   March 1st, 2010 1:48p.m.

Your happy hanzi progress is reward enough!

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