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Dailycookie   March 26th, 2010 1:27a.m.

I truly don't want to start any discussion about whether people like or dislike the product. For work reasons these are the tools I have available. Just honestly would like to know if there are plans to make an iphone or ipad compatible version of skritter so I can carry fewer devices?

Thanks. Best regards,

PS. Continue to love the site and learning tool. Continue to be embarrassed by the lack of hours I've been able to log using it. :)

ddapore99   March 26th, 2010 4:04a.m.

The upcoming Flash CSS5 is supposed to have a Flash to iphone app exporter. I think Scott has said they will try to use that to get Skritter on the iphone but if it doesn't work they aren't going to hand port it.

雅各   March 26th, 2010 4:22a.m.

Bring it on (: How many lines of code are there to port? (:

Dailycookie   March 26th, 2010 4:30a.m.

I'd be happy to help too! :)

WanLi   March 26th, 2010 3:37p.m.

android devices would be the way to go ahead, or maybe if html5 replaces flash

Chris D.   March 26th, 2010 4:38p.m.

Yes, pleeease put Skritter on a Droid (the phone I own)! Apple decided to shun Flash so forget them ;-)

joschua011   March 26th, 2010 5:47p.m.

by the way i heard tht adobe will release CS5 on April 12th

muir   March 27th, 2010 12:21a.m.

I agree with Steve on this one, flash stinks. I think HTML5 is the way to go.

Shisoik   March 27th, 2010 3:11a.m.

@xkfowboa, lots of them, since iPhone apps are written in Object-C.

nick   March 27th, 2010 9:07a.m.

Our mobile plans at the moment do rely on Flash, as making a full client port to another language would be too much work. That may change if we work with others on a port (uncertain).

For iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, I don't expect to have one for a while, as Flash CS5 has to come out and be efficient enough to handle it before we could start.

For other mobile devices that are getting Flash 10.1, we will see what we can do when that starts happening (soonish).

HTML5 + Canvas may be the way to go in the future, but it's still got a long way to catch up. Flash may not run on iPhone/iPad, but at least it's fast enough to run on netbooks and hopefully soon some other mobile devices. A JavaScript + Canvas version would look worse, have limited sound, and take a ton of work to get running fast enough anywhere.

Anyway, if anyone's serious about tooling around making Skritter clients or other things needing API support, they're welcome to do it. Look for livelily@googlewave.com on Wave and we'll talk and get you set up (gradually, as I am time-starved).

Alex Ehlke   April 8th, 2010 5:54p.m.

Unfortunately the new Apple iPhone SDK has a clause that will prevent Flash's iPhone app export from being allowed in app store.

See: http://daringfireball.net/2010/04/iphone_agreement_bans_flash_compiler

nick   April 8th, 2010 9:20p.m.

Yes, brutal move by Apple. We had been including CS5 cross-compilation as our iPhone app mainstay in our plans, and that's now shot. And just as Adobe finalizes CS5 and is about to start selling it! Vicious timing.

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