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Items coming next week

Byzanti   April 2nd, 2010 8:24a.m.

Just wondering how many reviews people were getting due. I've 2564 presently...

(Again, as mentioned in a previous thread, makes me scared of going on holiday -_-. Suppose there's always the push back tool).

jww1066   April 2nd, 2010 8:47a.m.

1664 for me.

Rolands   April 2nd, 2010 10:01a.m.

for such big number, do you still keep retention rate high? i seldom get more than 500
I am a big overpractiser though

jww1066   April 2nd, 2010 11:06a.m.

My last progress reminder says I reviewed 3,728 items in 3 days and my retention rate was 92.4%, so I think it's fine.

Actually, based on those numbers I would have guessed that there would be more like 6,000 or 7,000 items due next week.


Byzanti   April 2nd, 2010 11:17a.m.

Perhaps new words added make up a bulk of the week's reviews, and wont be included till you add them...

My retention rate's around 94-5%, but I skimp a little on individual characters tones, and sometimes writing. Only bothered about getting them wrong in a word.

nick   April 2nd, 2010 11:24a.m.

Just 517 due for me next week: I haven't been adding a lot lately.

The number of items coming due in the next week in those graphs does not include the items that will also become due because you added new ones or practiced currently due ones that will need to be rereviewed.

The progress reminder counts how many total items you reviewed, but not how many of those were due. So if there are 1664 items coming due, in the course of practicing those, you may actually practice 5000 items including ones that are not due.

The writing and tone of 例子 are due, as is the writing of 例. That's three items due. But when I practice the writing and tone of 例子, I'll also practice the writing and tone of 例 and 子. Six items practiced.

Reading prompts can now make this more exaggerated. Say the last time I practiced 精诚所至金石为开 ( jīngchéngsuǒzhì jīnshíwèikāi: "sincerity splits open metal and rocks; with a will, you can achieve anything."), I typed wéi instead of wèi. That's enough to earn me a 2 on the tone item for 精诚所至金石为开, while I still score a 3 on the reading item. I also score a 3 on the reading and tone items for each of the component characters (including 为, since both second and fourth tones can be correct for it).

Now the tone item for the word will come due first, and when I practice it, I also practice eight character-level tone items which aren't due. (Perhaps if I practice it late, the reading item will also have become due, and I'll practice the reading and tone together in a reading prompt.)

So what I'm saying is that item review rate and due item review rate can be very different. If you were studying characters only with no reading prompts, or definitions only, they would be the same.

Byzanti   April 2nd, 2010 11:58a.m.

Nick! Less caffeine! This was meant to be bring the response "hooray! It's not a support thread, I can relax!"


I have failed again!

Incidentally, the other day on smart folderising Thunderbird due to excessive Skritter stuff, I found that over the last 6 months I had received a staggering 36 emails from Nick, a long way second Chris with 11, and 5 each from George and Scott...

ximeng   April 2nd, 2010 1:02p.m.

Hovering around 3700 - a few months of underpractising. Retention rate very low.

nick   April 2nd, 2010 1:53p.m.

Oops, my bad. I haven't had any caffeine in a long time, but I did carry out an experiment to see how many donuts I could eat last night (all twelve of them, 2900 calories), so I haven't had anything except donuts in 24 hours, which is bound to affect my metabolism somehow.

I haven't run the mail trends thing in a while, but based on the last couple weeks, it looks like I'm sending around 400 work-related emails per month, almost all of which are to users since we use Wave, chat, and talking for intra-Skritter stuff. So good going Byzanti, you're doing 1.5% of that! (Actually, your comments are always great and I happily appreciate them.)

I love numbers.

ximeng   April 2nd, 2010 2:22p.m.

lol @nick working hard for science

dert   April 2nd, 2010 8:53p.m.

I've 1043.

What's the best way to drive up retention rate? Overpractice? No adding of words? Mine hovers around 87%, with a target in the settings of 97%. Practice occurs every day, and new hanzi are added almost every day.

nick   April 3rd, 2010 8:39a.m.

I wouldn't worry about driving your retention rate up unless you're frustrated by getting stuff wrong, Dert; your 87% is probably still pretty efficient. If you are, though, you can try some things (in order of goodness):

1) break practice up into more sessions per day, making sure not to practice when you can't focus
2) just delete tough time leeches that you don't really need to know anyway
3) spend more time thinking up mnemonics and other memory aids for the tough ones
4) add words less frequently (overpractice some)
5) be less strict on yourself (not recommended unless you don't like the level of repeats you're getting)

Neil   April 3rd, 2010 11:40p.m.

I had it down to 700 a couple of days ago but now it's at 1400 haha.

Just finished the 2 week trial so i'm officially sticking around ;)

I haven't had anything new in a week now - is this normal? or something to do with the hiccup a week ago when I finished adding the HSK1 list?

nick   April 4th, 2010 7:58a.m.

It's because the time thing made so many reviews build up while adding new words. Word are only added when your review queue starts to empty out (or you manually click the add word button). Since your review count never dropped below 700, there wasn't a chance to add.

It will start to add automatically (if you have it set to automatically add and have an unpaused vocab list) once you can cleanse that blue bar.

Glad to have you around; thanks for your support!

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