I tried out the German translation a couple of month ago - it was so bad, that I switched back to English. Today, I tried it out again and I have to say, that the quality really improved. I don't know, whether our skritter gods did this and/or other users. However, there are still at least 20% of the entries, which are problematic. These are:
- missing translations;
- wrong translations;
- incomplete translations, which easily might lead to a wrong understanding.
I have started now to work on these items during my reviews and to correct or translate them. I do this very diligently, looking up in dictionaries, compare to the English entry etc. I am wondering, whether other users are also doing this and how many are around, who are willing to commit themselves to do some of this extra work, as it is quite time consuming. The positive effect is, that I already have encountered quite some characters / words, where I originally didn't grasp the real meaning (although my English is not so bad, as I live in Apac already for 15 years). Would be nice to get in contact with these people, so that we can agree on a standard method, dictionaries etc. in order to have high quality translations. I also would be interested to learn, what are suitable resources to translate idioms and chengyu's into German, as my dictionaries have only basic staff in and especially no detailed explanations.
Furthermore, if our skritter gods could give us an additional feature, which makes the work easier:
For those entries in German, where I am suspicious that they are incorrect or incomplete, I first check in Pleco, using their German dictionary (which also has a so-so quality) as well as the English dictionaries and the Chinese. It would be nice, if I could check during study in German also the original English entry and compare, whether the German is in line withj the original English version. This could be on the study page via another button or on the detailed pop-up window for this entry. Would that be possible? I could imagine, that other people for other languages are doing the same and this would also make their live easier.
Are you skritter guys also checking the corrections on other languages than English? I found some items, which were quite strange, e.g. half a page of description about the city of Luoyang, including number of inhabitants, history and so on or one entry, which was more than 50% in Chinese. If you would be interested, we could form a small community to guarantee a quality work and also check on changes, made by other users.