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New HSK scores on resumes

dbkluck   January 31st, 2013 3:52p.m.

Has anyone taken the new HSK and put their score on a resume? If so, how did you do it (i.e., how did you show that it was the New HSK, scored 1-6, in a way that was clear to someone who may still think it goes from 1-11?)

learninglife   January 31st, 2013 9:02p.m.

if you are afraid that the reader of the resume is not iformed about the new hsk levels from 1-6 you could put an additional information (new hsk) in brackets behind.

what most asian companies (south korean, japanese) want as standard or benchmark for their employees is hsk 5.

lechuan   February 1st, 2013 12:20p.m.

I would only put the score if it was good. If not, just put the level.

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