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New Practical Chinese Reader 6

murrayjames   February 27th, 2010 1:06a.m.

For all you users of the New Practical Chinese Reader series out there...

After over four years, NPCR Vol. 6 is finally available. I haven't seen much buzz around the Chinese internets, so I thought I'd post the relevant links here:



No Amazon page yet. I poked around. Turns out the series is also available in Thai, French, Russian, Korean, Spanish, German, etc.

Has anyone here finished Vol. 5? I haven't started it yet, but the reviews I've seen have been mixed. Hopefully Vol. 6 (whenever I get to it) won't have the same problems.

Will Buckingham   February 27th, 2010 12:37p.m.

Thanks for this. I'm plouging through 4 at the moment, but hoping to move on to 5 by the end of the year and 6 next year.

faceleg   February 27th, 2010 8:47p.m.

I've got Vol.4 as well, though I left it in New Zealand...

thinkbuddah, any chance you can scan it to pdf for me? :D

Ray   March 19th, 2010 11:52p.m.

If you do a google search on volume 4, their is a torrent that is #8.

My distributor in the US is not carrying level 6 yet.

Adding another level is going to mess up my really neat table on New Practical Chinese. The trials of running a web store :-)


Reviews would be appreciated on New Practical Chinese. I am going to run a contest that to end of April for reviews on New Practical Chinese done on my web site for NPC.

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