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Example "words" for single characters?

DaXia   March 7th, 2011 8:56a.m.

This would help extremely much when studying single characters. What I mean is instead of having example sentences for single characters (90% of those sentences are bugged anyway), you could have words that the character can be used to compose. Lets say you are studying the character "体", then you could add "身~" "~会" "~育" "本~" etc. This is extremely important, as studying a character by itself, not knowing how to use it is kind of useless.

And then of course, if you really want to make people learn in a fast and effective way, you could add this to the meaning part, changing it a bit, like:
1. noun body or part of the body
2. noun state of a substance
3. noun style; form
4. noun system
5. noun style of calligraphy
6. verb personally do or experience something; ~味
etc..(Yes, I copied all that from nciku^^)

Of course, this would take a lot of time for 1 or 2 people...but if you make it so that some of us users also can type this in and save it to the database, it could be done in just a few days.

joshwhitson13   March 7th, 2011 5:26p.m.

Excellent idea!

Neil   March 7th, 2011 9:44p.m.
DaXia   March 8th, 2011 5:14a.m.

Neil, I was hoping for these example example words to replace the bugged example sentences, without first having to click on the magnifying glass.

nick   March 10th, 2011 12:59p.m.

west316 also really wants the containing words to be in the prompt, too. I'll have to think about a place to put this and maybe try it out. There's a problem in how expensive it is to fetch these, though. It would make things slower. So I'd have to figure out how to speed that up first.

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