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HSK lists

百发没中   February 14th, 2010 8:37a.m.

Just a quick question about the HSK lists 1-4. Which HSK levels exactly do they each correspond to?
Is it as simple as:

HSK1 list is basic (scores 1-3)
HSK2 is elemtary (3-5)
HSK3 list is intermediate (6-8)
HSK4 is advanced (9-11)


Foo Choo Choon   February 14th, 2010 8:58a.m.

I suppose it refers to the new structure, but that's just my hypothesis, no 证据.

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanyu_Shuiping_Kaoshi#Current_Structure

1: Elementary
2: Elementary with Honours
3: Intermediate
4: Intermediate with Honours
5: Advanced
6: Advanced with Honours

Hobbes828   February 14th, 2010 9:31p.m.

the lists are really old (but still fairly useful).. in the old HSK test (as opposed to revised), my understanding is the following structure:

Basic: Mostly from list 1 and some from list 2
Intermediate: lists 1,2 and 3
Advanced: takes from all 4 lists

Obviously it is a big jump from basic to intermediate because that test covers levels 4-8....

which makes me feel like my chances on the intermediate, when i'm 1/3rd of the way through the HSK 2 lists as of now.... not good :)

百发没中   February 15th, 2010 2:35a.m.

Thanks for the input.

Hobbes828, I know what you mean. I recently thought about getting myself an HSK diploma and thought that intermediate would be achievable if I put my back into it....but same as you, I'm only halfway through the HSK2 list.

Hobbes828   February 15th, 2010 8:08a.m.

yeah i'm trying to really work on stuff during my week holiday for Chinese New Year... get ahead on my character schedule so that I can hopefully hit 2000 by the end of March... I think that would be getting close character-wise for intermediate, word-wise I am still a bit behind but if I don't add from other sources I can do about a section of HSK 2 a day, largely because half or so of the words are already studied for me, and most of the others I have heard/read before...

But yeah, there is the whole grammar/listening/etc things that area actually tested as well, and I think I'll be lucky to get a 5 if I take it this spring, which is probably my last chance for a while! :(

Foo Choo Choon   February 15th, 2010 8:39a.m.

My advice is not to restrict your learning input to one "channel", writing.
For instance, while you're writing characters on Skritter you could also listen to Chinese radio. I like to listen to 上海故事广播, most of their stories can be understood even by elementary learners.

节目单 http://radio.bbtv.cn/radio/EPG-graphic.shtml
故事广播 http://radio.bbtv.cn/radio/live/2009-07-07/649.shtml

ximeng   March 6th, 2010 6:52a.m.

Thanks for the tip on the radio stations! Not sure about understanding even by elementary learners, 故事广播 seems a bit tricky to me.

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