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This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

gmail vocab

Nathan Cain   August 31st, 2010 8:24p.m.

Would someone please be so kind as to make a custom list of most of the vocabulary from gmail? I would like to be able to use gmail in chinese. Vocab like 已加星标 should be included.

Any takers?

mcfarljw   August 31st, 2010 9:09p.m.

Can't you just change the language to Chinese and then copy and paste words into a custom list on your own? Shouldn't be too complicated, perhaps just a little time consuming.

jww1066   August 31st, 2010 11:22p.m.

Yeah, God helps those who help themselves... ;)

Nathan Cain   September 1st, 2010 7:45a.m.

With gmail I haven't been able to copy and paste some of the text.

Also, I don't know the definitions to some of the words. They aren't in the skritter dictionary or nciku. That is why I need help.

jww1066   September 1st, 2010 9:55a.m.

Oh, that's different. Maybe you could post the list of troublesome words here and we'll take a stab at it.

Is 已加星标 "remove star"?


jww1066   September 1st, 2010 10:31a.m.

With Chrome you can right-click and do "Inspect Element" and then go spelunking in the HTML. Here's some preliminary stuff I was able to grab.

On the left:

邮件 = Mail
通讯录 = Address Book (Contacts)
工作表 = Tasks
撰写邮件 = Compose Mail
已加星标 = Starred Mail
已发邮件 = Sent Mail
草稿 = Drafts
所有邮件 = All Mail
其他 10 个标签 = 10 More Labels
邀请朋友 = Invite a Friend

On top:

存档 = Archive
这是垃圾邮件 = Report Spam
删除 = Delete
移至收件箱 = Move to Inbox
标签 = Labels
更多操作 = More Actions
第 1 - 100 封,共 28048 封 = Messages 1-100 of 28048 total messages
下一页 = Next Page
最后一页 = Last Page

When viewing a message:

收件箱 = Inbox
回复 = Reply
回复所有人 = Reply to All
转发 = Forward

Maybe others can add to this...


Neil   September 1st, 2010 11:17a.m.

标记为已读 mark as read

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