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not re-adding pinyin?

jww1066   March 20th, 2010 9:27a.m.

When I turned on reading practice I re-added all my lists thinking that this would add the pinyin for all of the items I'm already studying. However, it seems that the scheduler is skipping the items I've already studied and is only adding pinyin for genuinely-new items. In the "Transportation" list, for example,


I had studied up to 摩托车 before I started practicing readings and restarted the list. Instead of adding pinyin for the items before 摩托车, it started with the next item, which was 游轮. Same thing for the Fruits list at


Re-adding items to the queue is not an option for me as my queue has over 2,000 items and the pinyin would all end up at the end, but I want to study the pinyin for those items sooner.

That reminds me: it would be nice to have a "clear queue" button which would just delete everything from our queue without changing the stuff we're already studying. Alternatively, a way to bulk rearrange items in the queue would work.


scott   March 20th, 2010 11:24a.m.

I think that might be that the index doesn't get reset to 0 when you reenable a list. So you study the first 5 words or so, turn off the list, then turn it back on again, it's still aiming to add the 6th word the next time, not start over from the 1st word.

I'm changing it so that the index gets reset to the start of a section if you enable a list. So if you disable and reenable a list for study (on the list page itself, for example), it should add from the beginning. You can check if it does by looking at that list's blue bar in the active lists window in the practice page.

I'll be redoing the list page after I make this practice navigation page, and I'll make it possible to see where in a list words are being added from exactly.

As for the queue, I'll be upgrading that after the list changes. I'll add a purge queue option as well, that shouldn't be hard.

The way the new queue system will work is that it will be a lot more like a normal vocab list (especially in the backend). It will have sections as well; when you add a bunch of words at about the same time, they will be grouped together in a queue 'section', so you will be able to name that group if you like and keep track of when they were put into the queue. And you'll be able to browse the queue several groups at a time, so it will be sort of like the way gmail chat groups messages, if you've ever used that.

The way I'm thinking though, it will be tough to rearrange these sections. You'll be able to edit words within a group no problem, but rearranging the actual sections would be complicated. How about instead, you could prioritize individual words within your queue? Just have a checkbox next to each word in your queue that you can check if you want that to come up before everything else. Would that work? Ideally you wouldn't check too many of them so that anything checked would be added pretty quickly.

jww1066   March 20th, 2010 7:25p.m.

@scott - awesome, thanks. As for the queue changes, I don't quite understand the idea of the sections. What would the sections represent? What would they be called?

scott   March 21st, 2010 9:01a.m.

They would be representing a set of words you add. If you add only one, then it's a group of one word. If you add several over the course of, say, a half an hour, they will be grouped together. The idea being you can easily see when a set of words were added. And when browsing a queue, you might see 10 groups at a time, collapsed, each listing some or all of the words in them, and you can expand them to see more detail. I haven't worked out the specifics of how you would browse the queue, but you'd be able to see the time they were added at least.

I'm thinking they'll be named the time at which they were added by default, but you would be able to change the name if you wanted, to provide different details. Then that name will show up when you study words in that section.

And since the queue would be, on the backend, much like a real list, it will have many of the features of lists, like being able to control whether words are being added from it, studying words only from the queue and no other lists, and removing words from the queue, while leaving words that have been added from other lists. These last two features for all lists are coming up!

jww1066   March 21st, 2010 12:34p.m.

@scott Great, that sounds like it would make it a little easier to browse the queue. In my case I added something like 2,000 words all at once to the queue (using the Skritter Word Finder); would you limit the size of each section?

The feature I'm most excited about is being able to add things to the *front* of my queue.

Also, as of this morning, the problem with not re-adding pinyin is still happening; I'm not sure based on your previous message if that was supposed to already be fixed or not.

Thanks as always for the excellent support.

scott   March 22nd, 2010 12:13p.m.

It will automatically make a new section once it's 100 words or so. So it would add 20 sections with marginally different timestamps.

Okay, that sounds good! It won't be too hard to build on the backend and looks like it will provide the functionality you're looking for without having to build a system for rearranging queue sections.

Hmm, not sure where the code went... well I fixed it properly now. I will be uploading the fix very soon, and will post here when I do.

scott   March 22nd, 2010 2:23p.m.

It's up!

jww1066   March 22nd, 2010 6:10p.m.

@scott: The re-adding problem is fixed, thanks!

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