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smhon   February 26th, 2010 8:40p.m.

Seems I have hit a "wall" and have been getting a dozen more complicated words wrong over and over.

Is there a way for skitter to identify after the session what troubles me most (consistently wrong) or for me to flag out certain words, and then print it out in BIG FONT to stick on my toilet mirror?

I currently use a big market pen writing out the words and pasting it on mirror to do that.

scott   February 26th, 2010 9:12p.m.

Upcoming feature: starred words. You'll be able to star a word from the practice page (where the speaker and magnifying glass are), then look over and practice your starred words separately.

smhon   February 26th, 2010 10:37p.m.

Thank you!

murrayjames   February 27th, 2010 1:09a.m.

Scott, I'm very much looking forward to this feature.

Doesn't matter how much improvement I make, I still forget how to write 雪碧 and confuse 数 with 楼 !

Byzanti   February 27th, 2010 4:56a.m.

Great feature!

nick   February 27th, 2010 9:35a.m.

For 雪碧, remember that Sprite is Snow King Whiterock. That did the trick for me for the 碧 character.

Foo Choo Choon   February 27th, 2010 9:56a.m.


楼: House made of 木 with 米 and 女 inside.

murrayjames   February 27th, 2010 12:37p.m.

Nick and 穆:

Those mnemonics are totally helpful. I can see it already! Thanks!

jww1066   February 27th, 2010 1:53p.m.

@nick - I learned that "king white rock" mnemonic from you and it has stuck for months and months. I think the fact that (at least to me) "white rock" means crack cocaine helped. ;)

Are you guys still working on the custom/collaborative mnmemonics feature?


nick   March 1st, 2010 9:53a.m.

We have it on the list right after finishing these payment things, getting active pinyin going on, and improving usability on the vocab list system.

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