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User-generated polls

george   February 10th, 2010 11:36a.m.

So a fellow Skritterer suggested that it would be cool to have user-generated polls on the homepage. The idea being that there would be an official Skritter poll, and in a less emphasized part of the screen, there would be space for users to ask others their questions.

I was wondering what sort of questions people would like to ask if we were to implement such a feature. At present we have asked a total of 59 questions which are listed below. (You can view all of these and vote on any and all of the old ones by clicking the "Poll" header on the homepage.) Some of the questions could be recycled since they are old and haven't been seen by a lot of our new users, but by and large the sample sizes on the answers are sufficient for us to make decisions so we wouldn't want to re-ask very many of these:

Would you vote on user-submitted polls?
How much do you use Twitter?
How's handwriting recognition accuracy?
Would you like to add vocab definitions to Skritter in other languages?
When you complete a prompt, on what do you like the glow effect?
What Skritter prize best motivates you?
What do you use Cram mode to study?
Where'd you study Chinese/Japanese most?
How many more characters do you want to learn this year?
Which Skritter T-shirt would you prefer?
How often do you use the dictionary lookup on the practice page?
Do you use the help overlays?
Do you need to see the list a word comes from in the prompt?
Are you happy?
Are you using the new practice page?
Chinese is your ___ language
Is it hard to study on Skritter regularly?
Do you read the forum or blog?
How long will you study this language?
What is your occupation?
What's your gender?
How fast does the Flash run for you?
Do you like the completed character glow moving?
What kind of cell phone do you have?
Would you use a short-answer poll? (You'd type a short answer.)
How do you like the size of the Flash window (the writing area)?
How often do you speak Chinese?
What class level are you currently in?
Will you use the "hide the pinyin and prompt with audio" option?
What do you think of the prompt timer (underneath the session timer)?
Do you like the "2 days 115%" indicators in the prompt?
Do you use iGoogle?
Do you like user-centric blog posts?
How would you rate your total Chinese proficiency?
What dictionary do you use the most?
Scratchpad/Cram: Can we take away the drag and drop word reordering?
What else do you use to learn?
What do you think of Skritter's (in)formality level?
What volume level should be default?
Do you ever click "Poll" (above) and check out the old ones?
What do you think of the new logo?
Option for colors instead of tone marks: need customization, or defaults?
What is the hardest part of learning Chinese for you?
Have you ever used the quickstart or user's guide?
How do you input tones?
How do you like to pay for web services?
Would you like to receive a short monthly Skritter newsletter?
Do you use the practice page list viewer?
How do you write 女?
How's the new animated phantom?
What should the blog content be?
Have you ever been to China?
Do you have your own blog?
Would it be cool to buy a writing tablet/Skritter bundle?
Pageload times: what do you think?
Do you use any Facebook apps?
How old are you?
Why are you learning Chinese?
How long have you been learning Chinese?
What do you think of the quotes at the bottom of the page?

Post your question ideas on this thread, and remember to try not to repeat! You can also post suggestions for different functionality if you're into the idea.

faceleg   February 10th, 2010 12:38p.m.

Is Obama actually going to change the world?

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