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using the app...

learninglife   January 21st, 2013 1:04a.m.

using the app I realized that the number of still to review words is hardly moving.

today i am using my computer again and i goes down immediatly.

its not urgent but maybe something you might look into in the future...

nick   January 21st, 2013 12:41p.m.

Do you think that you do reviews faster on the computer than in the app, or perhaps it's a function of doing reading prompts on the computer, where all the reviews for the component characters are also submitted as part of the word-level review (which doesn't happen on iOS)?

learninglife   January 21st, 2013 11:40p.m.

the speed of my input is roughly the same.
i am talking not of a 5 minute observation here but of two hours of skrittering.

first day i used iphone 5 app. and it took me two hours to get from 1500 words to 1200.

the other day (yesterday) i used the computer again and within two hours i came from 1300 down to 600! wow!

the iphone app refused to do reading with me.

nick   January 22nd, 2013 1:07p.m.

If you can do one part at a time on each (writing, reading, tone, and definition) in order to figure out where the speed difference is coming from, it would be interesting, and potentially useful (do the faster part on the computer, but the rest on the phone).

nomadwolf   January 22nd, 2013 8:57p.m.

Don't know if it's related, but iOS doesn't seem to reschedule related words/characters "as well" as the web site. I'll see a character, and even the very next prompt is a writing for a word containing that character (or vice-versa).

However this is just a feeling... I skritter on the bus, so it's not practical to get hard data on this... maybe the differences in prompt types allows for this behavior, but I remember the words in sequence, not the prompts...

(On the other hand, over 2 hours this shouldn't be as much of an issue)

learninglife   January 23rd, 2013 5:31a.m.

doing all my skrittering back on the computer now and its smoothly melting down the number...

@Nick. you want me to do switch on only one testing method on the computer and do it, then on the app and do it and then all over again for the other parts?
that looks to me like a fulltime testers, job, wouldnt you think? :)

nick   January 23rd, 2013 9:22p.m.

Just proposing it as a method of figuring out what's faster for you personally. I don't think this is a bug that needs testing, but rather a personal usage pattern that might be interesting for you. Usually differences like this are due to individual study habits with the different prompt types.

Most users find that clearing one part at a time works faster than doing them all mixed together, and/or that doing some parts on their iOS device and others on their PCs is helpful.

learninglife   January 25th, 2013 9:44a.m.

i totally trust you guys to give me a optimal study experience with the best settings.

this is also one reason i added reading so late (after having studied the first 1000 characters)
and having not changed any of the study settings until recently.

so now i am a bit surprised when Nick suggests to study single parts in a single way...

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