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Can I choose to only practise one part for a single session?

Nible94   February 8th, 2013 3:53p.m.

I use a Wacom-talbet. So I need to sit at a table while practising writing. However, practising the other parts, I don't want to need my tablet in front of me, partly because unconveniently placed in front of my laptop, making stretching over it to type uncomfortable, and partly because I want to be able to get practice while in bed or something similar.

Can I do this somehow? Choose to only practise writing for a session?

Thanks for the help!

lechuan   February 8th, 2013 4:09p.m.

You could adjust your study settings (turn on/off parts) before each session:

Account -> Study Settings

Nible94   February 8th, 2013 6:11p.m.

And that won't delete anything?

nomadwolf   February 9th, 2013 11:37a.m.

I don't think that affects which parts you study in a given session... my understanding is that Account -> Study Settings changes which word parts are added to your list when a new word is added... all of the parts you already added will still be tested.

Also, if you later want to study the non-writing parts of those new words, they won't be there, and you'll have to reset your lists to add those.

The way to study only some parts of your studies is to go to the study page and then go to "Settings" there.
The center of the Study page has "Temporary parts study"... select "Review these parts only" and then clear all options except writing... (or the reverse when your at the keyboard).
Note, when you study like this, new words cannot be added (automatically or manually).

Nible94   February 9th, 2013 4:40p.m.

Awesome, thanks a lot! Exactly what I wanted!

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