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Way to quickly upload my word lists and 2 other questions

west316   April 9th, 2010 3:17a.m.

Hey. I am new here. A friend recommended Skritter. I am encountering a little frustration, though overall I think this software is going to work well for me.

Question number 1: Is there a way to speed up the rate at which I am uploading my vocabulary to this site? I have already cranked up the speed at which it adds words, but all together I have studied 8 or 9 text books. I am only through one and a half so far. I didn't mind the slow speed in the beginning since it gave me a chance to work a few kinks out of my stroke order, but now it is just driving me nuts.

Question number 2: I have flipped through the word lists, and I did not see many of the text books I have studied in the lists on the site. When I manually make my own lists, is there some way in particular I should make them so that they will be of more use to the general community? For example, I see Short Term Spoken Chinese 1 and 2 on the textbook list, but I don't see the next four books in the series.

Question 3: Is there some way to add my own definition to words or read a Chinese dictionary style definition?

I have other questions but I don't want to make a monster post and this one is already becoming rather long.

Byzanti   April 9th, 2010 4:07a.m.

1. You can press the green + button on the top left of the practice page to add a new word quicker than otherwise. However, if you've set it to add "pretty frequently" in the options and you have very few reviews pending, it should be adding very quickly regardless. If you have tonnes of reviews waiting, then it wont.

3. Nope, they're working on it. It's asked for a lot. Corrections can however be made by the feedback button on the bottom right of the practice page.

sarac   April 9th, 2010 8:20a.m.

1. Maybe this is already clear to you but... you can add multiple lists (texts) at once. You could choose all the ones that you want to cover and skritter will pull from each of them simultaneously. Sometimes I like that, other times it is distracting, easier to have words that have some connection (category, chapter...) come together. Once you have selected lists they show up as active but you can "pause" one or another. Now with the new practice page you can practice from just one list or the whole lot, "everything".

nick   April 9th, 2010 9:13a.m.


Byzanti and sarac covered question one, but I'd like to add that if you are seeing words you already know, you can hit "4" to mark them as too easy and they'll be pushed back further, which allows you to spend hardly any time on them.

If you make a list for a textbook, we can promote it to the textbooks list if it is accurate. I have been lax about doing this lately, but there are some other textbooks sitting in the custom lists zone that are probably eligible. Making one list for the whole book (or series, if the chapter numbers don't reset) helps, instead of breaking it up into multiple lists.

We're getting ever closer to the personal definitions, along with a notes/mnemonics space. It'll be sweet!

dorritg   April 9th, 2010 4:24p.m.

Do you need to be alerted about text book lists that should be promoted? I've been making lists for the book I'm using as well (Chinese Language and Culture).

nick   April 10th, 2010 9:11a.m.

Yeah, I do--I can't always tell by looking which lists are probably complete and correct if I don't have the book on hand. Thanks!

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