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Disabling english?

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   July 24th, 2010 5:50p.m.

In the reading comprehension part, where it shows just the word, and the english definition,
sometimes I find myself where i realize that i wouldn't have known the pronunciation of the word if it wasn't for the english definition by it,

I guess i should just click "don't know" or "so-so" but it would be very nice (and more challenging) if there was a way to just see the word, without the english definition right there with it. If I came up with the word on my own, without the english there-- I would definitely know that I know the word, but i don't have that liberty :(

Skritter is amazing and would be so much more powerful if you had a setting to disable english definitions and instead rely on just the Chinese/Japanese to remember the readings... Or is that what Anki is for? :P

Skritter has become the largest part of my character learning, and i just had to throw my 2 cents out there!

nick   July 25th, 2010 10:15p.m.

It does this in Chinese. For Japanese, because of how we used to hide the non-kana kanji on those, it would have been too ambiguous. Now that we got rid of that, though, it doesn't make sense any more. I'll try having the definition hidden by a "show" button on those prompts. Not sure when I will get to it, but shouldn't be too hard!

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   July 26th, 2010 9:49a.m.

whoa, thank you

(I wasn't expecting a response!)


jww1066   July 26th, 2010 10:42a.m.

This sounds like a great idea.


nick   August 2nd, 2010 6:19p.m.

This is done now; let me know how it works out.

scott   August 3rd, 2010 10:33a.m.

Hmm, there's one problem I ran into with this setup. It doesn't work if you're studying a word but only its reading and definition and not its writing. This is common in Japanese textbooks, where the majority or a large number of the vocab words being learned have kanji but those kanji aren't required to be learned. So those students are expected to be given the definition and produce the reading (and vice versa as well).

Nick and I discussed a few options, and we decided to try putting the definition into one of those show bubbles, so that if you need to see the definition to produce the reading, you can just click the bubble to show it. That way both cases are covered, whether you want to just be given the writing, or the writing and the definition. How does that sound?

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