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Adding new words manually

Mandarinboy   September 10th, 2010 7:29p.m.

I do add words manually but recently there have started to be some "features".

- If i click once i expect the count to grow by three( writing,tone,definition. Often it grows with 6 or 9 instead. I just had a personal record where the counter jumped 15 numbers. I do have several lists ( chinesepod) active, is this if the word is on several of the lists? I don't think that that many new words actually is added. I am sitting on a very slow line if that maybe have any impact. Or, is it characters it counts?

Every new day when i start skrittering the counter for new words should be 0, or? It is never zero. Usually it show a low number but from time to time that can be double digits as well.

No big issues, more out of curiosity. Skittering have really become like drug to me;-) Never spend that much time on characters before due to lack of time but with skritter I can wake up in the middle of the night and sit for some skrittering. Amazing how addictive this is. I have my Bamboo with me at work and my Japanese colleagues (old guys since we are working with mainframes in this project) are like children when they are playing around with skritter. A Japanese office is usually not the most fun place to work at but you can really get them loosen up with some skrittering. It turns out that they are not that good in stroke order either. We have been using it with a projector and it is like karaoke, everyone like to come up and write. This is just to much fun:-) Can't thank you enough for this tool. I have been a member since the old beta time and I will for sure continue to be a member for years to come. So much worth every cent!

west316   September 10th, 2010 7:45p.m.

Why am I picturing Skritter drinking games. Get one wrong you have to take a shot. Get a 成语 right and you get to pick who has to take a shot.

Mandarinboy   September 10th, 2010 8:00p.m.

Funny that you are mentioning that, that is exactly what we will do next Friday. Karaoke,skritter and lots of drinking. Japanese office workers and alcohol is a very nice combination:-) I do not drink my self so i usually have to help them to various hotels afterwards since most of them are not able to stand on their feets after a few hours. But fun, oh yes! They are the best party people you can ask for. Everything goes when they are drunk and no one needs to be ashamed for their behavior, (lack of) singing ability etc. I usually get more done during a drinking session than during regular working hours (and we do have long days at the office)

nick   September 11th, 2010 10:48a.m.

It would be counting new characters in there, yes, so if you add a longer word with new characters you can get quite a few items plopped into the added bar.

Sometimes some of the new words or characters you added have parts that aren't studied the first day and will show up as "new word" later for some of the parts. Those are probably what are lurking in the added bar at the start of a new day. Sometimes they can be months away from adding if the character wasn't defined or cheffed when you added it and we just completed it.

That is awesome about the drunken Japanese Skritter office parties! I wonder if your colleagues' stroke order would be better on the Japanese side of things--Japan does have significantly different stroke order.

It makes me very glad to hear that Skritter can serve as the drug that you never had in alcohol. Would that we could get everyone so hooked!

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