Yeah, I know there is a less strict option already, but is there anyway to make it possible to not having to use the entire "writing field" when writing?
For example, when writing simple chars like 没 or 船 or 般 etc, the second stroke of the 几 always has to be in a very precise location in the upper right corner, no matter when the other parts of the char is. Sometimes when you write fast, you might write some characters smaller, because its faster, but it seems like all parts of the character has to be at an exact location in the writing field. If you write them at the "wrong" location, the stroke will fade away, and you have to rewrite that stroke until u get it "right", but what skritter thinks is "right" might not be correct in relation to the rest of the character.
I understand that it might be helpful for beginners to write very exact, but for more advanced students, this can be a pain in the ass.
Could you make it more like the "nciku handwriting pad"? In nciku, you can write the entire character anywhere in the writing field, and it will still recognize the character correctly.
Also, is their any way to turn off the "correct stroke order" system?
When you have studied for a few years you kind of adapt your own way of writing, although it might not be 100% correct.
For example, I write 火 from left to right 点撇捺撇, but skritter wont let me do that.
I also let some Chinese friends try it out, and they got stuck at really simple characters, because skritter wanted them to write in the "correct" stroke order.
(I am writing raw squigs)
Thank you!