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Simultaneously adding simpl. + trad. via queue

Foo Choo Choon   November 16th, 2010 5:59p.m.

Not a grave problem, but it seems to me that some code could be optimized in this respect:

When I add words/characters via the queue and study all the items that are ready, often only one variant [either simplified _or_ (not _and_) tradititional] is added in the first session, even if I wait long enough to be theoretically able to work off both types.

The really conspicuous issue arises when I get back to Skritter the next time: Although I may have, for instance, 200 items ready for review, the new words/characters of the _other_ variant (e.g. simpl. if trad. was revise during the first session) wait for me to be answered before I have started to revise the items that are to be reviewed, i.e. "New word" prior to the ">100% items").

Short question: Bug or feature?

nick   November 19th, 2010 6:17p.m.

Adding from the queue doesn't work nearly as well, which is why we're planning to rework it to have more of a list-like implementation. So if it's just happening on the queue, then a bug that we'll hopefully fix by casting its house into a chasm.

I'm not sure that this issue is just with the queue, though--do you notice it if you add words from a list?

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