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simplified/traditional chaos

jww1066   February 20th, 2011 11:18a.m.

I study both simplified and traditional. I'm studying the writing for 讀書破萬卷, which has the pink background to indicate that it's traditional. When I get to 卷 I see that the definition on the bottom right has the yellowy-orange background and says

卷 juǎn, juàn
to roll (up); to coil; (mw for tapes), rolled document; file

Now I click on the hourglass for 卷 and I see

卷 [卷/捲] (easy)
juǎn, juàn
to roll (up); to coil; (mw for tapes), rolled document; file

which sure looks like a simplified character. Sure enough, clicking on the traditional versions 卷/捲 shows that the traditional definition of 卷 is

卷 [卷] (easy)
juàn, juǎn
rolled document; file

So why does the *simplified* definition show up when I'm practicing the *traditional* phrase? That's deeply confusing, especially given that the simplification in this case chose to combine two traditional characters. I would think that, in order to keep this sort of chaos somewhat straight, when displaying a traditional word, the definitions displayed for the individual characters should be the traditional ones.


nick   February 20th, 2011 8:32p.m.

I'll add this information to a similar bug I have on file for these. I'm half amused and half appalled that it's taking this long for us to get all these variant bugs sorted out.

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