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I don't want to see mnemonics

JieWen   June 16th, 2010 7:29p.m.

I like Skritter's new mnemonics idea, but I really dislike how the mnemonics from other users show up no matter what when a character/word is completed. I already have a mnemonics I have created myself and don't like to see others that may confuse me later. Please make an option to hide these mnemonics, or just to hide mnemonics altogether.

I can see the use if you don't want to create your own mnemonics, but if you do, then this can be sort of annoying. I don't want to got through all of the words I have learned and type in the mnemonics I have created to overlap the ones from other users. This sort of defeats the purpose of mnemonics anyway, right? One is supposed to make some sentence so ridiculous that it can be remembered almost right away - not study things (mnemonics) that help you remember other things.


FatDragon   June 16th, 2010 8:38p.m.

Mnemonics are pretty unobtrusive with the current layout of the practice page, so I feel like you ought to be able to ignore the ones you don't like, no?

I can understand the desire for an option like "hide shared mnemonics", but the downside is that this pulls you out of the public mnemonics loop, slowing down the progress of the shared mnemonics system by reducing input and potentially reducing the amount of mnemonics being shared. The amount and variety of shared mnemonics will improve greatly over time, all the more so if the user base is willing to take a chance on the system now when it's still small and needs more user-input.

Luisonte   June 16th, 2010 10:40p.m.

I agree with WoodenFrogs, please, let us disable this option in case we do not want it. It finally slightly breaks concentration and the study pace.

AiLeru   June 16th, 2010 11:23p.m.

I'm a beginner. I think the addition of mnemonics is brilliant! I slowed down to read them all at first, but later in the session glanced at just a few. I like the spare, elegant graphics layout which let me do either.

klutz14159   June 17th, 2010 7:58a.m.

To be blunt, most everyone else's mnemonics are garbage to me.

Unfortunately, the mnemonics are placed right next to the character/word definitions and in the same color and almost the same size. In fact, I am starting to run across some shared mnemonics that have boldface and italic words which further distract from the definitions.

Ideally, I'd like only ever see my own mnemonics. Give me an option or a link to show shared mnemonics in case I'm in need of a mnemonic and want to see other people's mnemonics.

Failing that, second choice would be to force the mnemonics to a gray color font. And make the character definitions boldface too.

One other minor issue is that the extra mnemonics and add mnemonics button is taking up a good bit of vertical space and is pushing the character definitions below the fold (in this case I consider bottom edge of the canvas to be the fold). I keep the Skritter window relatively short to force vertical scrollbars which let me move the canvas higher up on screen where it's more comfortable to write on my tablet.

mcfarljw   June 17th, 2010 10:08a.m.

I think any change to the interface will be distracting at first, because it requires our eyes to re-adjust to using it efficiently. It's only officially been released to everyone for about 2 days now so I say give it a few more days.

I've thrown in a couple mnemonics with boldface recently for words I wasn't recognizing immediately, but I haven't really been distracted by other peoples. Actually half the time I don't even see them and the few times I have looked for them I've found them somewhat useful.

The examples on creating good mnemonics in the Skritter newsletter used boldface to highlight words already in the definition. I'd be hesitant to say that adds a level of distraction if the bold word just displays part of the definition again.

klutz14159   June 17th, 2010 2:44p.m.

Now I'm seeing mnemonics with images of ladies in slinky dresses... Tell me that's not distracting :-)

Byzanti   June 17th, 2010 3:20p.m.


Foo Choo Choon   June 17th, 2010 4:28p.m.

I'm usually quite tolerant about mnemonics.
But all those silk/silk dress mnemonics ought to disappear. The radical 纟is about much more than that ... 哈哈

Byzanti   June 17th, 2010 4:53p.m.

I'll untick it. I think it's just the one (纠).

nick   June 17th, 2010 5:55p.m.

I am trying the filter where they need 3 points to show up by default, finally. Sorry to take so long. That'll go up soon tonight, I think.

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