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Is there anyone to add my own examples to the definitions?

张飞   January 11th, 2011 7:15a.m.

Seriously, quite a lot of them seem ridiculous. I prefer the ones I make myself or with my teacher.

Anyway to add them? It doesn't need to be published for everyone, just having private examples when the definitions pop up would be fine. The only thing I've come up with so far is putting my own definitions as un-shared mnemonics.

rgwatwormhill   January 11th, 2011 9:07a.m.

If you click on the definition (not in the writing square - where it is shown just under the pinyin), you can edit that yourself.

However, please remember each time to uncheck the box that says "share as correction", otherwise we will all get your definition, which we don't want unless you find one that is actually incorrect.
To reiterate: if there is a green tick in the box, you will alter the standard definition. If there is no tick in the box, you just alter your own version.

Hope this helps. (I do it quite a bit, especially for idioms, and to alter the order of the alternative definitions).


rgwatwormhill   January 11th, 2011 9:13a.m.

Hello again
I just found this quote from Nick on another forum post, and thought you might find it useful. I'm quoting directly, as I've never tried this myself.

"You can edit the definition while making a word list. You have to save so you're not in editing mode, and then you can click the word, get the word popup, and click "edit definition" from there. Editing on the study page works too, of course."


Byzanti   January 11th, 2011 10:45a.m.

Yeah, I feel exactly the same as you 张飞. If you click on the definition when you practice on Skritter you can edit it. I just put my sentence (with the actual word removed) on a new line. Works great! You can also do as Rachael says and edit the word before you study it from the list itself, or from the queue, or from the my words page. I edit most of mine in the queue. That way when I come to practice I'm not stopping and starting.

As for the share as correction thing that Rachael mentions, that's not automatic. It's put through to a real person for review, so we wont end up with your particular sentence anyway, even if you do accidently hit the tickbox.

Byzanti   January 11th, 2011 10:46a.m.

Also in my experience it's better to put the sentence as part of the definition, and not in the mnemonic box. Gives extra context and all when the prompt comes up this way. And it'll be a good size too.

张飞   January 11th, 2011 10:50a.m.

Hi, thanks Rachael! I'm not looking to change the definition though, but to add my own examples underneath (soz, don't think my topic was clear enough). All I can seem to do is click in "change" and get a list of options to select from, but quite often I don't really like any of the choices I'm given in the list! Was looking to add my own, if there's any way. Haven't found anything in Help or from playing around though.

张飞   January 11th, 2011 10:52a.m.

Soz, didn't see your comments till after posting Byzanti. Yeah, maybe I'll just stick my sentences in the definition bit.

张飞   January 12th, 2011 10:02a.m.

Ok, so the bad thing about writing my examples in the definition box, is the characters I'm studying appear there now, before I've got the writing right. It's kind of a pain. I think I'll just write to the guys and put the ability to add our own examples as a suggestion, to put on their to-do list.

MasterOfComboBoxes   January 12th, 2011 10:28a.m.

It has been proposed a few times and the list is long. Ultimately it will come but currently they are working on other features I think.
Patience :-) Skritter already has come quite a long way.

You can also search in the forum, that should yield some discussions on that.

BR Alex

Byzanti   January 12th, 2011 12:02p.m.

张飞, just blot out the word itself from the examples you put in the definition box. I replace the word with _ 's.

nick   January 13th, 2011 9:56a.m.

Yeah, the example sentences are a good idea but with often poor sentences. It is on my list to rework that system and make it so you can submit your own and vote on other peoples' like the mnemonics, and also to import a bunch more sentences to get some better ones in there. But it's a big project and I'm working mostly on the iPhone/iPad app right now, so I haven't started it yet.

Until then, the best thing to do would be as Byzanti describes:
1) Choose "Don't show an example sentence for this word"
2) Edit the definition to add your own sentence on a new line:
"example; case; instance
你的 _ _ 不太好。" [press shift+enter to get a newline when editing on the practice page]

Thomas   January 13th, 2011 8:53p.m.

@nick, now that you mention it, how's the iphone app coming? Any chance it will be coming out for use on my Chinese New Year travels this year?

What is the earliest iOS it will be compatible with?

Do you have a price estimate?

: )

nick   January 14th, 2011 9:03a.m.

Slowly, no chance, 3.1.3, and we haven't decided but it'll probably be free with your Skritter subscription.

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