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Word list deletes some traditional characters

levitooker   January 19th, 2011 11:43p.m.

I'm studying both simplified and traditional characters. So far my wordlist has been going just fine, but today I tried to add a new section and while most of the characters are working fine with the simplified and traditional variants, it will not allow me to add the traditional characters 別 and 閒, leaving only 别 and 闲. I tried editing the wordlist, deleting those characters and adding them back in again. It will show the traditional versions in the list momentarily, but it doesn't actually save them in the list and they're gone as soon as I check the list again.

levitooker   January 19th, 2011 11:52p.m.
Foo Choo Choon   January 20th, 2011 12:20p.m.

A somewhat different but related problem:

Skritter often does not accept/add traditional variants. For instance, I can't add 分佈, 洩密 and 香菸 (the latter one is the Taiwan version).

nick   January 21st, 2011 10:35a.m.

levitooker, I'm not sure what's going on there; I'll ask Scott to take a look. It may be just some code trying to get rid of duplicate characters in lists is misfiring and hiding them.

穆儿, we can only have one traditional version of each multi-character word; in this case, the words in our dictionary have had a different traditional assigned. I'll ask Chris to take a look on these ones to see if the traditional should be changed.

Foo Choo Choon   January 21st, 2011 11:52a.m.

Thanks for your reply, nick.
These characters are different variants, so the entries shouldn't be changed generally. I just thought it would be nice if there was a way to study them.

nick   January 21st, 2011 12:10p.m.

Oh, okay. Yeah, that's one limitation of the traditional variant system we've built; no way to study those. It doesn't come up too often, so we view it as a worthwhile trade-off, but it is inconvenient sometimes.

ChrisClark   January 23rd, 2011 10:14a.m.


For 分佈, 洩密 and 香菸, these are all acceptable variants I believe, but the current spellings in the database are correct as well (分布, 泄密 and 香煙). I've found references that back up all six of these spellings.


Foo Choo Choon   January 23rd, 2011 10:46a.m.

Thanks for the responses.

For some words it's interesting to check the Chinese Wikipedia for this purpose (only for this purpose, usually 百度百科 and 互动 are superior if don't mind about advertisement, 简体字 and censorship ...), since it takes regional differences into account.

Type in 香烟: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E9%A6%99%E8%8F%B8
Switch to 港澳繁體 --> 香煙
Switch to 台灣正體 --> 香菸

or the other way round

pts   January 23rd, 2011 11:39a.m.

Yes, in Taiwan, the function of 煙 and 菸 remains separated. 菸 is the proper character for tobacco and 煙 is more related to opium, as used in 抽大煙 (smoking opium).

ChrisClark   January 24th, 2011 4:38a.m.


Just looking at signs in Taiwan forbidding smoking, I see almost 50/50 use of 煙 and 菸.


Incertus   February 8th, 2011 8:26a.m.

I've had the opposite problem, I'm learning simplified characters but Skritter sometimes throws in Trad characters which is really annoying - especially when there doesn't seem to be any way of switching them off.

nick   February 8th, 2011 8:30a.m.

Incertus, you're set to study "Both" traditional and simplified. You can change it to just simplified, or simplified and previously added traditional, here:


Incertus   February 8th, 2011 8:36a.m.

Ah...*red face*...sorted now!

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