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red streaks? We aren't going plad are we?

west316   August 20th, 2010 2:03p.m.

I was just Skrittering along doing my thing when we had a code update. I am used to them now so no biggy. However, about 4 minutes later it dawns on my that as I drawn lines they are now coming out red. Once I have drawn the proper line, it turns black. The next word I do has the lines being black again. I am an alpha tester, so what new feature am I being a guinea pig for now?

I don't mind red, but I draw the line at plaid. I might would have to leave if we start doing that.

Rolands   August 20th, 2010 2:19p.m.

thanks god someone else see those red lines.
i thought that i skrittered too much today, and that's in my eyes now

nick   August 20th, 2010 2:36p.m.

Haha, oh, yeah: I'm trying out this idea on the alpha testers:


If I had a convenient way to draw plaid lines, I'd prank you right now.

Byzanti   August 20th, 2010 2:44p.m.

Could the colourful writing only be only enabled for those with colour tones on perhaps?

jww1066   August 20th, 2010 2:58p.m.

Yeah I think my intuitions about tones are different from whatever defaults you're using because the colors all feel wrong somehow. Also, why does it change to black when we finish?

nick   August 20th, 2010 3:07p.m.

Oops, that should only be on if colored tones are on, yeah.

It changes to black when finished because the glow looks whack otherwise.

rgwatwormhill   August 20th, 2010 4:43p.m.

That's ok for writing practice, but it doesn't make sense for the times when I have to write the character and then immediately afterwards give its tone.

Shisoik   August 20th, 2010 10:09p.m.

Great feature and we love it! :)
Yet it still needs some work. I think, general rule here: the strokes should be either in the right or in neutral colour. Right now colour stays for the next character if that next character also has a tone practice. So if the previous was say 2nd, then next will be drawn in 2nd even if it is really is 4th. Not good.
Also the blue colour for 4th tone seems to be the same (or very similar) to the colour for hints.

nick   August 20th, 2010 10:38p.m.

Fixed it not resetting to black. Yeah, the hint blue being too close is whack. This is just an experiment--should it be kept and the hint colors reconciled, or is it just a curiosity?

Neil   August 21st, 2010 12:15a.m.

I think the red (1) and green (3) grading colours need to somehow move aside for this feature.

Not sure yet if it's actually good to selectively display colour - if you aren't really strict on your own tone grading then what has colour and what doesn't is sorta mixed. And - this is a good tool for memorising tones!

One bug - when you draw tones for tone prompts in the square, they have a colour. This colour seems to give away the answer for the 1st character of the word, however the colour on the 2nd character is the same as the first.

Neil   August 21st, 2010 12:25a.m.

Re Bug - Tone drawing colour actually stays the same over a few words then changes to a recently written colour - seems you're not re-setting the pen colour value to black on tone prompt.

nick   August 21st, 2010 8:27a.m.

Oh, fixed that, too. Thanks!

hannes   August 23rd, 2010 3:08a.m.

For me there are too many colours now. Before red meant wrong and green that I got it right. Mixing this with the tone colours I find too much at least as a first impression.

Perhaps I have to work with this for a bit to get used it though.

wb   August 23rd, 2010 8:04a.m.

hmm I like the colors but I think if you want the colors to diffuse into your brain unconsciously (or do you actually "study" them?) there should be:
1. No glowing. I like the effect but colors should be for tones only (if you use them), the grading buttons should suffice as an indicator
2. Better colors. Why red and orange? I think these two are too close together. Better would be real yellow instead. Blue and green are a bit pale.

I just started using colors. Does anyone of you have experience with that? Do you think of a character, then a color pops into your head and you know the tone? How does it work?

west316   August 23rd, 2010 9:59a.m.

First of all, I don't use the colors and have no inclination to. I feel tones in my throat. Oddly enough, my Chinese skills seem to live in my throat. Don't ask me why.

For other people, I do have one recommendation. Colors and the meaning associated with them are very personal. This nature of colors becomes even stronger if you include cross cultural associations. You are starting to go after some Chinese customers as well right? My opinion? Have a simple default color scheme. HOWEVER, have a set of settings in the account customization area that allows people to choose which color is associated with which tone. I know that complicates the interface a little bit, but I suspect that will be the best way to solve any misunderstandings.

Just my two cents. I am just happy that everything seems to be black again for my account.

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