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Skritter on galaxy tab

chrisolo   February 22nd, 2011 7:20a.m.

I just have to say that skritter works awesome on a samsung galaxy tab!

dfoxworthy   February 22nd, 2011 8:44a.m.

great to hear. Did it work automatically or did you have to adjust some things/ change settings? I tried it briefly on a friends Nexus and had trouble with pop ups covering the writing screen. Plan to get a Galaxy S 2 in a few weeks.

nick   February 23rd, 2011 10:21a.m.

As far as i can tell, the current demo style can't work with these Android Flash devices, since they don't allow other content on top of the Flash area. So the demo doesn't work. Normal study doesn't use much of that, so it shouldn't be a big deal once you get logged in.

ddapore99   February 24th, 2011 10:28p.m.

I have a GALAXY Tab and I agree that it woks but awsome is a bit of a stretch. Many things are broken or don't work well.
1. Long mnemonics can't be read.
2. Mnemonics can't be added while in the study area.
3. The progress area doesn't show graphs.
4. Entering mnemonics in the vocab list section is a serious pain (lots of zooming is needed to navigate, long mnemonics are hard to edit becuse the text box lacks a scroll bar, sometimes I can't even select the kanji I want to edit nomatter how much I zoom).

With all that said I am still happy using my GALAXY Tab to study Skritter every day.

nick   February 25th, 2011 7:18a.m.

I've got these mnemonics issues on my Android bug list. Thanks for the detailed list!

ddapore99   February 25th, 2011 8:44a.m.

You're welcome, but to be honest I feel kind of bad posting negitive stuff on the forum. I worry that potential users will read my posts and decide not to use Skritter without trying it first. By the way what Android device are you using to test Skritter on?

nick   February 25th, 2011 8:50a.m.

George has an Incredible. For the smartphone form factor, we decided to skip the mnemonics editing, and we haven't picked up a tablet to work on that resolution yet.

ddapore99   February 25th, 2011 9:39a.m.

By skip do you mean you won't ever have mnemonic editing in the mobile version or is it something you are planing to do latter? Personally I am highly dependent on mnemonics and really hope all the features in the desktop version eventually make it to the mobile version.

By the way I thought it might help with the debuging of the progress section to mention that on the start page the graphs do appear when using a GALAXY Tab. However you can only change the displayed graph once then it won't let you change it again.

nick   February 25th, 2011 12:01p.m.

We turned it off because it didn't work right away and we thought, "Who is going to want to edit mnemonics on their phone--that just seems like a hassle, and people will prefer to do it on their desktops anyway." I mean, there's very little screen space available on the phones, and you can't use the click-to-edit system we have now because it's so easy to misclick on anything in that little prompt area with your finger.

When we eventually do more work on the Android version, we may add in some more features like that that people use, but with an alternate interface, but each feature is going to need to pull its weight. So not all the features in the main version will get in. If we had to re-implement some of our existing features, we'd cut them even given the same technology--a lot of them were mistakes that are too seldom useful in the first place.

Thanks for the tip on the progress graphs. It will probably be a while before I can get around to debugging that, but I should be able to figure it out with that information.

jww1066   February 25th, 2011 12:20p.m.

@nick part of my regular study routine is creating new mnemonics. It's currently quite clunky on the tablet, as ddapore99 points out, so let me add my vote for streamlining that process. I often find myself putting off the mnemonic creation process when I'm on the phone or the tablet, and "later" usually turns into "never". So, no, I wouldn't prefer to do it on my desktop, as that means I end up not doing it at all.

I can understand your argument about the tiny click area for phones, but not for a 7" or 10" tablet.

I think the rich variety of mnemonics also adds a great deal to the site's appeal to new students, so I'd think you'd want to encourage users to create mnemonics as possible.


ddapore99   February 25th, 2011 3:02p.m.

Nick thanks for your reply, I can understand and appreciate not wanting to release software that isn't ready yet. I also 100% agree with James, it's too bad you guys don't have a tablet to test Skritter on.

I once asked a photographer friend of mine what the the best camera was. His answer was, "It's the one you have on you." I believe a similar answer goes for what the best device is for entering mnemonics on Skritter is. When you're studying, it's the one you're studying with. I think it's best to make cell phones your primary design platform as people always have them.

As a side note, I tried out Skritter on all of the current smart phones in the stores before settling on a dumb phone with the GALAXY Tab. Most of the smart phones couldn't show the full height of the page and cut off some of the top. So I really understand what you mean when you say you have limited space.

However I definitely believe it is possible to make it work with some redesign. I hope you don't find me too forward for presenting you with the following ideas.
1. Shrinking the Kanji and the writing area on the last Kanji stroke would leave more area for mnemonics and other things.
2. Have the mnemonics area when pressed expand directly over the writing area.
3. Leave scroll buttons for seeing text that are to large to be seen at a glance.
4. Remove the mnemonics and leave a mnemonic button in it's place. Pressing the button could take you to a page with the mnemonic and two buttons (next question and back).

Good luck on your continuing and never ending goal of perfection with Skritter.

Best wishes

nick   February 25th, 2011 4:19p.m.

Hey, those are interesting ideas. I don't think we can change the size of the Flash dynamically without having to reload it, which would be infeasible. But we should be able to do a feature where we can press a button and get to a place where we can edit mnemonics and see all the other stuff that we didn't have room for. It's just that the feature can't be a high priority right now, given that it's somewhat of a code fork for a platform which, as of yet, not very many Skritterers are using. As it increases in availability, and as I get some more time (... after finishing the iPhone version ...), then I'll get time to add more things into the Android version.

ddapore99   February 25th, 2011 9:34p.m.

I understand, I'm really looking forward to the iPhone version. Will the iPhone version be supporting mnemonics entering? As for the my first idea, I was thinking more along the lines of just making it look like it had become smaller and having the mnemonic section and the rest of Skritter really be made of flash inside the flash writing area. I guess that would take a major redesign and a lot of time though. By the way will you be looking for beta testers for the iPhone version? If so I wouldn't mind getting my hands on an early build and sending you feedback.

nick   March 3rd, 2011 5:03p.m.

Probably, although I can't guarantee it yet. Perhaps not in the first version.

I'll put you on the beta list; thanks! Still a was away from the beta yet.

Nicki   March 4th, 2011 7:41p.m.

I have a friend who uses Skritter exclusively on her Android phone. Just FYI.

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