Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Skritter on Ipad

YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 8:02p.m.

After spending nearly two days syncing (I finally figured out that I couldn't leave Skritter running in the background nor could I let the screen time out), I've got Skritter downloaded and on to my ipad.

When I click study, it goes to a study window that looks remarkably like Nicki's study window on her iTouch. It then sits there and does nothing.

Once in a great while, I get bored and I click the + button. Then it says "looking for a word to add" for a while.

I still haven't been given any study prompts. It still just sits there and does nothing. I can click the back key and go out to the main window where I can then go look at my lists but, clicking study just gets me a black window that sits there and does nothing.


YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 10:03p.m.

Update: Clicking on the green plus sign will sometimes make a chiming noise. If it makes a chiming noise then the number due (which is currently 12) goes up. It has gone up as high as 43. I still have not gotten any study prompts.

nick   November 7th, 2012 10:31p.m.

Hmm; I've never heard of this behavior before. We can do some debugging and figure this out, but first let me ask: have you tried doing a "Clear Local Data" from the Settings - Account menu and then trying to sync again? That often helps if something has gotten into a corrupted state.

Also, if you can email me a sync log (on the home screen, check the sync status in the upper right and Report Sync Issue), it might shed some light on this.

Hope to get you running soon!

YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 10:40p.m.

local data cleared
initial sync from server starting over again
Sync: Assembling 300 / 20392

This is going to take a while (but at least now I know not to let it try to run in the background)

YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 10:45p.m.

Not only did it sync in about 5 minutes versus the hours of slowwwwwwly syncing it did before even after I stopped trying to run it in the background ... it's working!

YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 10:56p.m.

I got the study window but my strokes aren't inputting. I cleared local data and re synced again. Same thing.

Double tap gets it marked. Swipe along the bottom brings up the grading prompt. I can see info. I can hear the sound. I can't write.

YueMeigui   November 7th, 2012 10:59p.m.

Also, I have auto-advance on but, despite that and despite not being able to write anything I can't seem to move off of the first character to the second half of the word or any other words.

lechuan   November 7th, 2012 11:52p.m.

Did you jailbreak your iPad?

nick   November 8th, 2012 12:41a.m.

What Skritter app version (you can see in the Help - About screen) and iOS version do you have? Are you in 1x or 2x mode?

YueMeigui   November 8th, 2012 2:44a.m.

I've got Skritter version 1.0.4 from 2012-09-02 and IOS version 5.1.1.

My iPad is secondhand off taobao so it may be jailbroken. Don't know.

YueMeigui   November 8th, 2012 10:42p.m.

And then...

I confirmed that my device was jailbroken, did a bunch of reading about apps that don't work on jailbroken devices, watched a movie, went to dinner, did some work on my laptop, played a game of gooballs on my ipad, wistfully tried Skritter again in preparation to start mucking about with settings ... and found it WORKING.

zhangyanglu   November 9th, 2012 1:56p.m.

OK, so just for us to be able to reproduce that :o) Which movie and what did you have for dinner? In case other people also face this problem ;))

Laspimon   November 10th, 2012 1:54a.m.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Please don't leave us hanging, Yue Meigui!
Really though, what did you actually do in the settings?

YueMeigui   November 11th, 2012 3:50a.m.

I responded but the internet ate my message.

I watched 爱 which I downloaded via the ipad's pre-installed Chinese video downloader. As romantic comedies go, I'm pleased to say that the only phrase I needed to look up in my dictionary was 狗仔 (paparazzi) but the plot made no sense. The more Chinese movies I watch the more I understand why Western films are so popular over here.

For dinner I had a bowl of 米线 with ground meat and lettuce. It weirds me out that I've been here long enough that I'm longer weirded out by cooked lettuce in things. It was followed by an awesome bowl of 清补凉 with purple yams, chunks of watermelon, and slushy half frozen coconut milk.

I had only started reading up on changing settings potentially being able to have an effect on non-working programs in a jailbroken ipad and was basically checking my settings and confirming the non-workingness of Skritter before I did anything _and_ it worked!

Still working too.

Got to say, I kind of miss getting the tone prompts immediately after writing. Also, given how 'meh' my pinyin is, although there are clear reasons to have "grade yourself" instead of typing it in, I really don't like grading myself. I'm not trustworthy.

podster   November 11th, 2012 8:19a.m.

I would say it was probably the purple yams that did the trick. I love those things. What I miss most from the web version is the colorized tone prompts. Nick said its quite difficult to implement and not a popular feature.

YueMeigui   November 12th, 2012 7:45p.m.

Yeah. The colored tones are nice.

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