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save me

贺知宝   January 2nd, 2013 12:41p.m.


I am returning to Skritter after a 2 year break. I used to use Skritter for several hours a day. I now have over 3,500 items due. I have sadly forgotten how to write nearly every character (even though my accuracy used to be over 95%).

I know it is recommended to always "Study All My Lists" but now it will take too long to see words for a second time. For example, I just practiced for half an hour and didn't see the same word twice...

Any suggestions?



lechuan   January 2nd, 2013 1:27p.m.

How about nuking all your words and starting from scratch?

jerichojak   January 2nd, 2013 3:44p.m.

I literally asked this question a little while ago. One way to do work through the mess is to use the "Save Me" button.

It's on your account under the "my words" tab. It lets you space out your reviews so they aren't so ridiculously daunting.

蓓蕾   January 2nd, 2013 4:58p.m.

I just want to let you know that it IS possible to review your way back from that kind of a review cue, if the idea of deleting all your words to start from scratch is unappealing. I had a period if little to no practice for about a year and ended up with around that many or even 4000 items to review.

The way I did it was through the Save Me feature. But you have to really think long term. For example, spreading the review items out over 10 weeks. That would mean each day 50 items would come back from being temporarily banished. At first this is easy, but as you have said many of those items will have been forgotten. So while there might be 50 reviews on day 1, there might be 90 reviews on day 2, and 125 on day three, so on...

I would ask whether you have the time in your life to be skrittering 20-30 minutes a day, every day, for the next few months. If yes, then this method might work. If not, you might want to start from scratch.

贺知宝   January 2nd, 2013 10:33p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions.

What I would like to do is

1. Breakup my massive list into several smaller lists, maybe 100 words per list, and then start from scratch. This way I could study each list one by one and have words added automatically as needed.

2. To do so I would need to erase my Skritter history.

Any convenient way to do these 2 things?



nomadwolf   January 2nd, 2013 11:42p.m.

Wouldn't per-list study work for this case? You start study on a single list you already completed, until you feel it's managable, and then add a 2nd list (to be studying both at once) and so on.

[I don't use Advanced Study at all, so less than knowledgeable here...]

nick   January 3rd, 2013 11:19a.m.

You can split your Miscellaneous list into multiple smaller lists, then remove the Miscellaneous list from study (or delete all of its contents) and add through the smaller lists. When a word isn't in any of your active lists, it's deactivated for study until you add it again, but the progress on it is remembered.

贺知宝   January 3rd, 2013 11:38a.m.

is there a way for me to erase all progress memory from the system but keep the words?


nick   January 3rd, 2013 11:45a.m.

If you use the Delete All function, it will do that, but your lists will still exist, so you could start adding from them again.

贺知宝   January 3rd, 2013 11:54a.m.

wow, okay. So "delete all" only deletes Skritter's memory of my progress?

Do you think this is a good idea in my case?

nick   January 3rd, 2013 1:54p.m.

I would do it the other way--removing lists without nuking progress--because there are bound to be a ton of items in there that you do remember after all this time, and this way those will stay out of your way. (When you get it right after such a long time, Skritter will know that you have a solid memory of it.) But either way works.

贺知宝   January 3rd, 2013 5:21p.m.

Thanks for the feedback. Last 2 questions on this.

1. Does nuking delete all of my custom definitions and custom sample sentences?

2. You mention my "Miscellaneous" list. There are no words in my miscellaneous list. Did you mean "Main List?"

nomadwolf   January 4th, 2013 12:18a.m.

If 贺知宝 gets something "Correct" after a 2 year break, won't the next quiz be 2.4 times the waiting time, thus next quiz on that word will be in nearly 5 years?

For very simple ones that might be valid, but others might be more of a fluke... if I study after a long break (even 3-4 days), I mark most words as "So-So" so the next quiz time will be 90% of the previous scheduled time.
So, if you had a word that (2 years ago) was scheduled for 10 days after your last quiz, if you mark so-so, it will come up in another 9 days...

nick   January 4th, 2013 12:59a.m.

No, it doesn't delete those. You can see what it deletes and doesn't delete here: https://www.skritter.com/vocab/deleteall

Yeah, main list.

nomadwolf, it's not 90% of the previously scheduled time with so-so: it operates on the actual review time, too. So it would still be around two years. You would just have to make sure not to mark things correct after two years when you didn't remember them.

贺知宝   January 4th, 2013 1:25a.m.

Okay, I nuked it and just renewed my subscription. So far its going well. Feels good to be back Skrittering.

Thanks for the help!

Any idea when the sample sentence bug will be fixed?

nick   January 4th, 2013 11:57a.m.

Study on beta.skritter.com for the new sentence system, which will go live on the 15th.

贺知宝   January 4th, 2013 12:34p.m.

solved! thank you.

贺知宝   January 5th, 2013 1:47p.m.

@Nick: You were totally right. I remember a ton of characters. For those that I did not remember fully, it is much easier for me to learn them now. I also remember the majority of tones! I am enjoying studying everything from scratch so I am glad I nuked it.

I am really surprised that after a 2 year break I can still remember so much. Skritter is great.

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