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Skritter on iP(hone|[ao]d)

Christian   May 21st, 2010 12:53a.m.

I know. It's a topic that has been discussed before. And everybody who has not been hiding under a rock should know about the recent fall-out between Apple and Adobe.

But. In the past few months, I was barely able to Skritter. Skritter for me means that I need to sit down at home at my laptop. All those travelling times when I can use a mobile device (in my case an iPhone) are lost times from a Skritter point of view.

Therefore, I'd like to know: Are you guys still considering to offer an iPhone version? I know Adobe has claimed there are already many Apps in the iTunes store made with beta releases of Flash, so it should still be possible to do it. Please, please, pretty please.

PS. Apologies to those who are not used to reading regular expressions :-).

Hobbes828   May 21st, 2010 2:04a.m.

explanation to those who don't read regular expressions:

That nonsensical looking thing basically would match iPhone, iPod, and iPad

so Skritter on iPhone, Skritter on iPod, Skritter on iPad.

Foo Choo Choon   May 21st, 2010 4:30a.m.

More interestingly: Who is the first to install Android 2.2 Froyo and test its Flash capabilities on Skritter.com?


Google mocks Jobs with Flash on Android
'Um, people use it'

雅各   May 21st, 2010 5:01a.m.

I don't really give a damn if Apple or Adobe are right, technology is only a means to an end, aka studying chinese.

Not having even a basic Skritter client is a genuine hinderance to my progress in learning Chinese. Not being able to study anywhere at any time, be it stuck on a train, or bored in a line means I have to fill that time with other things such as playing games.

I am not going to replace my iPhone with an android device so that I can improve one area of my life (studying chinese) to the detriment of all the other reasons I have an iPhone.

I really really do love skritter, like many others it has revolutionised my chinese study! However lately I have been contemplating if I should switch to the anki iPhone client that is coming out soon, and just practice writing on paper.


picknmix   May 21st, 2010 7:45a.m.

I would love to see it working on Android. Hope HTC get the update to Android 2.2 ready quickly this time...

nick   May 21st, 2010 9:44a.m.

The guy we were going to hire to do one for us this summer got impaled on our pinyin parsing algorithm, so once again we don't have any immediate plans. This would be the like the fifth would-be knight to gulp and dismount on first sight of the dragon.

I even had a test app written that did the handwriting recognition using the sneak peek version of Adobe's CS5 cross-compiler, Flash -> iPhone. So that was going to happen this summer before Apple decided it wasn't.

Skritter is not going to be an easy app to port to the iPhone. I won't have the time to try this summer; I'm still not sure when we can make one. I will, however, optimize the Flash client so that it can run on Android.

Lurks   May 21st, 2010 6:09p.m.

picknmix: If they don't you can always just go and root your phone and do it yourself. I'm baffled why owners of heros decided to stick with 1.5 for all that time HTC did nothing...

It will be very interesting to see how Skritter works on Froyo. At a minimum I guess we'll want a custom mobile HTML page with a resized flash interface to fit the screen. Even then it might snail, after all Skritter does on a quad 4GHz CPU on Firefox for some unknown reason so random software issues could bite us I guess...

joschua011   May 22nd, 2010 10:38a.m.

nick, can't you just finish the iphone app (with this flash->iphone compiler) so that we could use it on jailbroken iphones? you could even SELL it via cydia.
I would buy.

Christian   May 22nd, 2010 10:41a.m.

Glorious idea, joschua011. That might even tempt me to jailbreak mine (and buy the app).

nick   May 22nd, 2010 10:45a.m.

It would be too much work to finish it (for performance reasons). It would have been a gamble even on the App Store, which is huge compared to Cydia.

ACardiganAndAFrown   May 23rd, 2010 12:57p.m.

what if there were some sort of donation? i mean how much would it cost to get the app done? I'm sure there is enough people willing to donate to see this thing get done...

Dougal   May 24th, 2010 1:27a.m.

Just found this. Seems a pity you don't have an iPhone version. I could see myself playing for hours using it on the iPhone or even an iPad but don't really think that doing via the mouse cuts the mustard. Alas.

We iPhone users are used to be being pwned by Apple so $10/month would be a steal.

Hope you can work out the logistics of it some day.

Byzanti   May 24th, 2010 3:40a.m.


Get a wacom tablet, not a mouse. They work great.

Tortue   May 24th, 2010 5:33a.m.

Also +1 for an iPad version (IMO much more relevant than the iPhone/ Android (except for upcoming Android Tablet!) but I udertstand ow difficult it could be.

Our next hope is the upcoming Android Tablet/Chrome OS I guess!

雅各   May 24th, 2010 5:33a.m.

A wacom tablet is better than a mouse. Great would be drawing on the screen and seeing your line you are drawing under the pen, ie iPad/iPhone/android, etc (:

雅各   May 25th, 2010 6:34p.m.

I just had an idea, could you VPN on your iPhone into your desktop machine to use skritter on an iPhone. I am going to have to try it!

nick   May 25th, 2010 8:40p.m.

We tried it; it can sorta work, but is too slow to be practical. Slightly better was Skyfire browser performance (a mobile browser that does rendering in the cloud and sends a combo of video and code for easily renderable elements), but at least at the time we tried, their servers were getting hammered.

Lurks   May 26th, 2010 5:31a.m.

Hmm you know... an android pad would kinda rule for this.

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