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Feature Request: Sample Words

thegiffman   November 17th, 2010 11:28a.m.

Hey wonderful Scritter Team,

I apologize if this has already been discussed (a quick look didn't seem to bring it up), but it would be hugely helpful to me to have a list of sample words with their definitions as a Mnemonic for a Chinese Character. I'm using Skritter for characters, rather than words, but knowing a few words a new character is in would help a great deal. OK, I know I could enter thousands of these by hand, but there are plenty of dictionary sites with such lists. Any chance this might make it to the feature list? Or does it exist and I somehow overlooked it?

jww1066   November 17th, 2010 12:11p.m.

There's a great web site that jochemb set up to let you find words that use a given set of characters:



thegiffman   November 17th, 2010 10:37p.m.

That looks helpful, though not quite what I'm looking for. I'm looking to use a short word list as mnemonics or example sentences, in order to learn new characters better.

followtheflow   November 18th, 2010 12:13a.m.

Yeah this would make a nice addition to the sample sentences, like a top 10 of the most frequently words that contain the character that is being studied.

Roland   November 18th, 2010 10:18p.m.

In parallel to "Skrittering", I am always using Wenlin to look up characters. It allows "Show me all characters containing this character" and "Show me all words containing this character", in addition, it also shows the development over the centuries of this character plus explainations taken from karlgren, etc.. As I have learnt more than 2500 characters already, I now have difficulties in distinguishing characters, e.g. 浩(hao) and 洁(jie). In this case I use Wenlin to search for the similar character. It would be very nice, if at some time in the future Skritter would also offer such kind of functionality, so no need for a second tool or a look up on some web-pages.

jww1066   November 18th, 2010 10:29p.m.

+1 on Roland's ideas. They sound like great potential additions to the detail popup.

Byzanti   November 19th, 2010 1:01a.m.

Second to James' idea: in the popup, so not cluttering my prompt :p.

nick   November 19th, 2010 6:09p.m.

You know, we've finally uploaded the character/word frequency we'll need in order to implement this. This was actually part of the word popup design a very long time ago, but we were waiting on that piece. Now that we have it, it shouldn't be very hard to implement. I will see if we can wiggle it in there sometime after the vocabulary redesign goes up.

nick   December 2nd, 2010 5:07p.m.

Okay, this is in alpha now, in the word popup for individual characters. Let me know what you think!

sarac   December 2nd, 2010 5:30p.m.

From reading this forum thread I thought this feature would just be a bother but it's useful, I like it! I've tried it for a couple of characters so far - for each I got a list of four words using that character and then I could click on that word for another popup with an example. It could go on and on...

On a related note - I was tempted to add a word to the queue but I wondered what happened to the notion of making the queue a list. Did that get implemented, I don't remember reading about it?

nick   December 2nd, 2010 6:01p.m.

Glad to hear it! I did the same thing, opening endless popups.

Queue into list: it's going to be a while. We're waiting to finish this new vocab design before tackling that sort of thing. When it does happen, you'll be able to see all those old queue words in there.

jww1066   December 2nd, 2010 6:05p.m.

I just tried it. Awesome!

west316   December 2nd, 2010 6:46p.m.

I just started playing around with it. That is a nice little feature. I don't know how often I will use it, but I really like it.

Mandarinboy   December 2nd, 2010 7:01p.m.

+1 on that. The only problem is that I have to much fun adding new "fun" words this way;-). I found it very useful both as an reference and for actually add new words. Mostly i use it when I have a a new character to see other words where this char is used to get an idea of the usage.

west316   December 2nd, 2010 7:05p.m.

One slight problem. Sometimes the word you are writing shows up amongst the sample words. While you are working on a writing queue, this invalidates the writing attempt.

It isn't a big deal to me, but if that can be dealt with a lot of people would probably appreciate it.

nick   December 2nd, 2010 7:53p.m.

I think the word popup has a lot of ways to invalidate the current word being written; I don't make any effort to not do that. Would be tricky.

jcardenio   December 3rd, 2010 8:22a.m.

oooh, I like it a lot more than I expected I would.

FYI 前面 is in there twice under 面, one time it is defined, the second time it is a place holder

sarac   December 3rd, 2010 8:58a.m.

Just to be sure - you wrote about the queue redesign: "When it does happen, you'll be able to see all those old queue words in there." Do you mean that things I put in the queue *now* will eventually get swept into this new queue-with-custom-list-properties? If so, then I'll be adding items with a simple click rather than my relatively clumsy editing of a custom list.

nick   December 3rd, 2010 10:01a.m.

I think I know what's up with 前面; thanks, that'll help me solve another issue I was puzzled about!

Yes, the items you add now will all be there eventually.

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