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Add additional language definitions while adding words?

mike_thatguy   October 17th, 2011 10:17p.m.

Hey, hopefully this hasn't been addressed before and I just missed it....
There are times when I want to add a definition in Chinese for a word I'm adding, but an English definition already exists. Is there any way to submit a new definition from the same screen I'm adding from, or do I have to find the word again after adding?

nick   October 18th, 2011 12:37p.m.

We're going to make the word clickable while editing, so you can get to the word popup and edit the definition there without having to find it again later. Will that do it for you?

mike_thatguy   October 18th, 2011 12:39p.m.

That would do great! I appreciate the quick solution.

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