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Red message in study window?

FatDragon   October 19th, 2011 9:07a.m.

I was just studying for a few minutes, and my last prompt was a writing prompt. When I stop studying, I typically immediately click the progress tab, it's more muscle memory than anything at this point. Before the study page went away, though, a little message popped out at the top of the study window, red text saying something like "the writing **** score **** ****", though I didn't really get a good look since the page switched over about a second after it popped up.

Anyone know what that was or if the information it was trying to convey was potentially useful for me? Was it a beta thing or does it potentially happen for everyone?

Roland   October 19th, 2011 9:36a.m.

Fatdragon, see Nick's message on "Leeches", might be it was this info.

FatDragon   October 19th, 2011 9:44a.m.

Thanks, caught that thanks to a combination of your post bumping it up to the top of the forum and getting a better look at my second leech notification of the day.

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