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study suggestion

thedrunkingpig   November 26th, 2011 12:05a.m.

how feasible would it be to have a simple list of all the characters/words that have studied during the last session?

i think it would be really helpful to finish a skritter session, then be able to go away and practice these characters in other way; helping to reinforce learnt and new characters.

Bohan   November 26th, 2011 10:03a.m.

something like this could be very useful.

Reinforcement is important

nick   November 26th, 2011 11:17a.m.

thedrunkingpig, how about this: after each session, go to http://www.skritter.com/vocab/mywords and sort by "Last", then make a short list of these words that you've studied by coping and pasting 15 at a time out of that table. Or, use the Export function, sorted by last, and pick a set number of the words. Then use that list and see how helpful it is. Perhaps it will turn out boonworthy, in which case we might want to add some more support for it.

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