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how to review specific words

majikman   February 20th, 2013 9:39a.m.

I'm studying a list and I'm already very strong in all aspects of certain words in the list but very weak in writing of other words in the same list. However, when I try to review that list, it keeps showing me stuff i'm already strong in. In fact, writing for the words I'm weak in is still showing up as white (as opposed to green) so I haven't even had a chance to practice it!

How do I get Skritter to start displaying those characters for me to practice my writing more?

learninglife   February 20th, 2013 11:59a.m.

if you marked the words that you dont know as "dont know" skritter will offer these more often.

same with writing. skritter can recognize if you wrote the character correctly or not.

just kbo (as churchill said)!

nick   February 21st, 2013 8:43p.m.

Are you doing the advanced study on a particular list in the iOS app? If so, you might be running into a bug with that--there's a related issue on the table right now that we're investigating, although I'm not sure if that's what you're seeing. Let us know which list this is and which words you're not seeing.

If it's on the web app, though, then I don't think that's it.

In either case, you might try the starred words feature and practicing your stars individually, if Skritter is too slow in giving you ones you don't know.

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