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Adding (a lot) more words at once?

coin   February 26th, 2013 9:20a.m.

Apologies if this has been asked before. I have read how to add words manually when pushing the little button, but I would like to add a lot more words than that. (I have also changed my settings so words will be added faster and I set the rate down to 87%.) I have already studied Japanese for a couple of years, and my kanji-count is up to around 1400. However - most of these I can only read and recognize, and I signed up for skrittler so I could learn how to write them better. Is there any way to hack around and just add a lot more words at once? I realized that this space repetition system is great if you are starting from zero learning a new list, but for those who already have prior knowledge it takes forever to add enough words to make it useful.

ebp0   February 26th, 2013 9:59a.m.

Hi coin, welcome to Skritter!!

I only use the iOS App and the way to add a buch of words at once is by double-tapping the add button (green plus sign). You can add up to 144 words, so if your list is aprox. 1400 words, as you said, you might have to double-tap and select 144 several times. Again this is how I do it on the App, but I guess it's the same for site as well.

learninglife   February 26th, 2013 12:23p.m.

careful with adding a lot of words manually!
it can result in an avalanche of items you have to review.
i made this mistake (of manually adding) before and ended up with 1000 words a day to review!

if you still want to add manually and you are sure you know the words then you should press button number 4 (too easy) in order to make the reviews less.

good luck and please keep us informed how its going!

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