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IOS development schedule

Unprovincial   February 26th, 2013 4:29p.m.

I was just wondering if there is any schedule out there on when new features for the IOS will be implemented. I'm really excited about the sample sentences feature and I hope it will come soon. What else is on the table?

nick   February 26th, 2013 5:27p.m.

We don't like to schedule with iOS development because of how unpredictable both development times and App Review times can be. The example sentence feature is the next thing we're working on, along with a couple bug fixes, but we don't have a timeline for those--they'll be out when they're out.

We're trying to focus on bugs and example sentences for now, so not sure what we'll do next for iOS.

Unprovincial   February 27th, 2013 4:06a.m.

I see, that's totally understandable. Thanks for your reply!

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