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pinyin gets cut off

jww1066   August 20th, 2010 11:32p.m.

I'm not sure what changed, but I noticed that the pinyin for 强 is now getting cut off at the bottom (where before it was displaying properly). You can see a screenshot here:


nick   August 21st, 2010 8:41a.m.

Ah, I see. It just barely doesn't fit if you bold it, which doesn't happen with tone coloring on--you must have disabled it, and thus found the bug!

I've given it a bit more space so that it should fit, now. Thanks!

jww1066_notloggedin   August 22nd, 2010 8:18a.m.

Thanks Nick, I'll try it out when I get back home. Yeah, I had tone colors turned on but wasn't paying any attention to them until the squigs started showing up in colors, which was weird, so I turned them off.


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