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Skritter for Chinese students?

贺知宝   September 23rd, 2010 1:40p.m.

Have you guys considered Skritter in Chinese classrooms? I just read the following article...

。。。这对父母的失望反映了一个不容忽视的问题,随着电脑的普及,人们越来越习惯敲键盘,手写功能大大退化了。 很多年轻人在中小时还在老师的督促下练练字,到了大学和参加工作后,就扔掉笔,投入了电脑的怀抱。 而且这种形势还在向中小学蔓延,有的人甚至连听课笔记都用电脑打印出来。

nick   September 23rd, 2010 1:59p.m.

Yes. Very difficult to market it and make it suitable for kids, combining with being very difficult to market it and make it suitable for native Chinese learners. If we do it, it will have to be later, when we can concentrate more resources on the task.

Rolland 1975jmr 侯壮马   September 25th, 2010 4:48p.m.

That's the same way in Madagascar. Many true Chinese speaking persons wanted some courses for their childrens too.

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