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Do writing prompts effect definition prompts?

west316   November 29th, 2010 3:28p.m.

When Skritter gives me a word I have never seen before, if i guess the writing prompts correctly, does that effect how often I get a prompt asking me for its definition? For a lot of words, if you know just the pinyin and definition, it is easy to guess the characters. I still want to be drilled at the normal rate for the definition, though. If I answer the first writing prompt correctly, does that also mean I get fewer definition prompts?

nick   November 30th, 2010 12:01a.m.

Not really. The parts are all scheduled independently, except that they will be spaced back if they would fall too closely together, to avoid interference. So if you keep getting the writing prompt wrong, you won't see the definition prompt until after that, because the writing prompt will keep pushing the definition prompt out of the way. If you get it right, then you'll start getting the definition prompt soon after, and it'll proceed normally.

west316   November 30th, 2010 12:52p.m.

Alright. Thanks Nick.

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