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Selection to words/characters

smhon   December 6th, 2010 6:03a.m.

Thought a new thread would be easier to follow as the previous one was already getting long.


Imagine a selection under settings that allows for "Words only" "Characters only" "Both" so each study session can be customised

How easy would it be for the selection to allow for say only words to be turned on? Would this feature be useful for others here on forum?

I can imagine some sessions where I just want to focus on words so being able to set this to "Words only" would be really cool.

nick   December 6th, 2010 9:16a.m.

We haven't set up to be able to efficiently fetch reviews based on whether the item is a single character or a multi-character word, and it would make things slightly slower when saving reviews to do so, as well as add another option for selecting which mode to the interface. So I don't think it would be useful enough, although it does sound cool.

YouJing   December 7th, 2010 6:32a.m.

I would also find it useful if I was able to turn of character writing for words and keep studying writing only for single characters.

What west316 proposed in the previous thread would be cool, and also very helpful.

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