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Is it me going mad or skritter?

wispfrog   December 24th, 2010 6:36p.m.

There comes a point in a long skritter session when madness definitely sets in. Luckily, in this case, its definitely not me: http://wwwb.forbidden.co.uk/~bdb/madskritter.png
(screen shot of skritter with it showing completely the wrong character in the flash applet)

Does this sort of thing happen to anybody else?

Thomas   December 24th, 2010 10:00p.m.

I'm sure 圣诞老人 will fix that up for you...

I don't know about madness, I'd call it 'getting in the zone'. It tends to happen to me a few hours a day for about a month at a time.

nick   December 25th, 2010 5:14p.m.

That's impossible! It's Skritter trying to drive me mad. But we won't let it, will we? No, no we won't.

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