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When adding new words...?

DaXia   February 15th, 2011 12:23p.m.

Yo, back with more questions to bother you guys with ^^


1. How do you add new words to your wordlist? Is "que word"="add word"?

2. If you add a word thats already in your wordlist/vocablist, will it prompt that you are about to add a "duplicate"? Since there is no way to know what words that are in your vocablists (I'm studying 12 lists atm, about 10k words), unless you review them word by word, how will I know if I'm not just adding words that are already there?

3. What is a "Mnemonic"? You can add stuff there, and maybe I should add new words that I come across to the Mnemonic list instead of the "my words" list? Will the Mnemonics be reviewed together with the rest of the words?


Byzanti   February 15th, 2011 1:01p.m.

You can add words by adding them to the queue ( http://www.skritter.com/vocab/queue ) or making a list. When you practice, they will start to be add.

2. Skritter wont let you study duplicates.

3. A mnemonic is a sentence or something that helps you remember the character/word. Eg. 钥匙 (key) I have "The key to the moon is in the spoon". The word is remembered by each radical. You can find the mnemonic section when practicing. It's under the definition. But you can write in here whatever you want, I guess.

DaXia   February 15th, 2011 1:46p.m.

Thanks for the help Byzanti!

The key to the moon is in the spoon :D Thats a good one!

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