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Problem with importing vocab

michau   March 20th, 2011 7:59a.m.

Hi, there seems to be a serious bug with importing vocab. I have some lists with a slightly broken pinyin, I thought it wouldn't matter, because Skritter can work out the pronounciation from the characters. But if the definition field happens to look similar to pinyin, the characters are completely changed! Two examples:

敢|gn|to dare
改|gi|to change

The result is:

大热 [-熱] dàrè: big craze
嫦娥 Cháng'é: Chang'e, the Lady in the Moon

Now I'm lost, because it seems that my wordlists contain different words than I intended. Is it possible to correct it automatically, or do I have to reimport them again?

scott   March 20th, 2011 10:02a.m.

Yes, you'll need to edit the lists, you shouldn't have to reimport the whole list though, you can edit the specific rows by clicking on them in the editor. How long it takes depends on how many were imported wrong.

I'll work on this tomorrow though, and see if I can get those two examples to import properly. Will keep you posted!

scott   March 23rd, 2011 9:37a.m.

I've tweaked the importing function so that it works with those inputs. Definitely the invalid pinyin was messing it up. I'm uploading the fix now.

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