Hi everyone,
So I have recently begun to notice, very clearly, that the number of characters and words I "know" vastly exceeds my ability to use them. There are two aspects to this.
One is that I have a hard time remembering words outside of Skritter. If I am prompted, then I can write them, but having them at the tip of my tongue when I could benefit from using them is another matter.
The other problem is that while my vocabulary is growing, I'm not learning the grammar, patterns, or rules of usage that would let me use or understand these words naturally in conversation (since there is, of course, a lot more to making a sentence then stringing words together).
I'm sure that this is a dilemma that everyone faces when they acquire a certain amount of words. My question is, does anyone have any suggestions for how to better turn vocabulary into useable language skills? What other tools are best used in conjunction with Skritter, to leverage our knowledge of characters with other elements of language learning?
I have used Anki before to bolster retention, Chinese Pod to learn some patterns, and will be starting a classroom-based course soon, and all have some value. Maybe others can describe some "best-practices" for how they are turning all this wonderful vocabulary into broader language ability.