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Sound problems?

Draginja   October 27th, 2012 2:40a.m.

You've changed the speaker to pronanuce the word BEFORE i start writing it, which was alot better, since i don't have to click on "show" to see hiragana. But, it doesn't work like that anymore. Is there some option where I can change it back?

nick   October 29th, 2012 6:49p.m.

It could have to do with your "hidden reading" setting--have you changed that one?

LilyWhyteLegs   November 21st, 2012 8:27a.m.

Ditto for me. The speaker doesn't say the word unless I press the speaker button for each word. But I have set the speaker to pronounce automatically in settings.

nick   November 21st, 2012 4:27p.m.

LilyWhyteLegs, perhaps you can help break it down for me a bit:

1) is this on the iOS app, or the web app?

2) Is it for Chinese, or Japanese?

3) What prompt types does this happen for--writing, tone, reading, definition?

4) When you press the speaker, it says the full word-level audio, right, not just the character--but doesn't say it by default, either before or after the word?

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