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Lack of Character Writings?

dontom   November 22nd, 2012 9:13a.m.

Hi everyone.

I've been using Skritter for about 7 weeks, and on the whole, it's wonderful.

My only gripe is that I have almost entirely ceased to be given new writings to learn. In my first 4 weeks I learned 315 character writings, and the in the 3 weeks since I have only been given 9 more to study.

Is this due to the lists that I am studying from, or is this a common problem?

I have noticed that my retention rate is lower with writings, so perhaps this is the cause?

Many thanks for any input.

ddapore99   November 22nd, 2012 11:23a.m.

Please go to the website and click on study. You should see the lists you are studying from with green bars showing how much you have completed. If you click on the list it will take you to a page with an even more detailed breakdown of what you have studied. Have you gone through everything in your list? If you haven't finished your list click on the progress tab. What are your retention rates? What is your target retention rate set to? (I can't remember the default though I think it might be 85%.)

nick   November 22nd, 2012 1:09p.m.

Checking it out, it looks like you've finished the Radicals list, which is full of kanji writings, and are now only working on the Genki 1 and JLPT 4 lists. Both of those lists avoid teaching how to write the kanji for most of the words, and of the words for which they do introduce the kanji writing, you already know most of those kanji.

There are a few things you could do:

1) In your study settings, enable the "Study All Kanji In List" setting. Then you have the option of going back to the beginning of your lists to get all the kanji or just adding the new kanji going forward from where you are in your lists now.

2) Add another list that is more kanji-writing-focused. It's mostly the beginner and elementary lists that skip many of the kanji writings.

3) Be at peace with the Japanese textbooks' under-emphasis on writing for now.

dontom   November 22nd, 2012 2:10p.m.

Brilliant! Thank you so much for clarifying this for me. I'll have a look around and see what will be the best option.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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