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Meaning of "愈下愈大"

葛修远   April 27th, 2010 4:41p.m.

Can anyone confirm what this means? I've got it in the phrase "雨愈下愈大", and I'm guessing it's the equivalent of "raining cats and dogs" or "tipping it down".

Any ideas?

pts   April 27th, 2010 4:53p.m.

愈 means “the more … the more …”
雨愈下愈大 literally means, the more it rains the heavier or "It’s raining heavier and heavier".

葛修远   April 27th, 2010 5:15p.m.

ah ok, thanks

elmiguel   May 3rd, 2010 8:38p.m.

now, the 愈 just be used in literature。 normally use 越 as 越下越大

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