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Remixing two lists together?

FatDragon   May 16th, 2010 9:19p.m.

I've found two custom lists that, together, comprise the basic character list of Tuttle's Learning Chinese Characters. I'd like to put together a more comprehensive list that includes all of the words included in the book, not just the characters, and, ideally, I'd like to have it all in a single list.

Is there a simple way to remix the two lists into one that I can then edit into a full characters + words list, or will I have to do something a bit more involved, like exporting one list and then copying its characters into new sections in the remixed version of the other list? If I have to do it that way, will the list editor strip out everything but the characters, or will I have to do that manually?

FatDragon   May 17th, 2010 6:51a.m.

Bah, curses - just realized there was already one there, after doing the first 11 chapters...

Skritter team, any chance of getting this list (here http://www.skritter.com/vocab/list?list=agVza3JpdHIWCxINVm9jYWJMaXN0SW5mbxi3z88PDA ) on the textbook list?

nick   May 17th, 2010 9:44a.m.

Okay, I've promoted it. I didn't see that one, either. I've put (Tuttle) in its name.

Yeah, there's no way to automatically remix multiple lists together, but our list editor accepts pastes of lists from our exporter, so apart from waiting for it to revalidate, it shouldn't be too bad.

FatDragon   May 17th, 2010 10:48a.m.

For the 10 chapters I did, I used that method, and, given how I was editing the list, it might have been easier than remixing in the first place. I was adding words in the order they appear in the book, so I would have had to add and validate 20-30 times each chapter for the ones I was editing, rather than editing and validating one list per chapter for the ones I exported.

I think the thing that made me take a second look was 三十岁 already being in Skritter. You'd think that a random age like that wouldn't be included unless it came from a textbook that had already been entered, and lo and behold, there it was.

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