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tablet pc for skritter?

Neil   June 16th, 2010 2:17a.m.

I read in the local newspaper that ASUS will be bringing out a iPad-like device early next year in 10" and 12" screen size. It will have windows 7 and therefore Flash, price $350-$450AUD which is pretty cheap. Don't know if it has 3G or just Wifi.

A 10" unit would be just the thing for using skritter when out and about, and also when on the couch :)

jww1066   June 16th, 2010 8:04a.m.

Yeah, there's going to be a million tablets like this coming out over the next couple of years. All the Windows and Android ones are going to run Flash and would be excellent Skritter candidates.

jcdoss   June 16th, 2010 11:08a.m.

I have an actual tablet PC with a swivel screen and keyboard (Fujitsu T4410, if you're interested) and it's awesome. I bought it specifically for practicing Japanese and now Chinese writing even before I discovered Skitter. It has a 10" screen with an active digitizer and touch-sensitive screen with excellent viewing angles. I think 10 inches is about as big as I'd go, as anything larger in my opinion might start to get a little unwieldy.

Win7 does a pretty good job of recognizing my scribbles once you install the Japanese, and both Mandarin character lists... if it can recognize mine, it can surely recognize anyone's. It sucks, though, that these new tablets are soon to be all over the market for about half what I paid for this unit, but them's the brakes, as they say.

Good luck!

Doug (松俊江)   June 17th, 2010 1:18a.m.

I love my tablet PC for Skritter. It's a lenovo X61 and aside from a bit of a cooling problem (the thing gets to hot way too easily) it's lovely to have. The pen input aside from Skritter isn't terribly useful but for Skritter it's wonderful (the other thing I use it for is to scribble on documents in MS Word).

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